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Chapter P‑33

Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Association continued as PHAA

                3       Head office

                4       Partial exemption from Companies Act

                5       Use of profits by PHAA

                6       Capacity and powers

                7       Board of Directors general duty to manage

                8       Bylaws

HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:


1   In this Act,

                                 (a)    “hospital” includes a nursing home;

                                 (b)    “PHAA” means the Provincial Health Authorities of Alberta.

1981 cA‑29.1 s1;1996 cA‑0.5 s15;1996 c6 s3

Association continued as PHAA

2   The  Alberta Hospital Association is continued as a corporation with the name “Provincial Health Authorities of Alberta”, consisting of the persons who are its members from time to time.

1981 cA‑29.1 s2;1996 c6 s4

Head office

3   The head office of the PHAA shall be situated in a place within Alberta determined by the Board of Directors.

1981 cA‑29.1 s3;1996 c6 s5

Partial exemption from Companies Act

4   The PHAA is exempt from sections 86, 93, 133 and 162 of the Companies Act.

1981 cA‑29.1 s4;1996 c6 s5

Use of profits by PHAA

5   The business and affairs of the PHAA shall be carried on without the purpose of gain for its members and any profits shall be used for the purposes of

                                 (a)    encouraging and assisting members of the PHAA to provide health services of high quality;

                                 (b)    fostering and promoting the concept of local authority and control over the provision of health services;

                                 (c)    studying, considering and discussing all matters relevant to, and distributing information and advice to, members of the PHAA concerning

                                           (i)    the planning, construction and equipping of health care facilities,

                                          (ii)    the organization, management and administration of health care facilities,

                                         (iii)    the development, maintenance and improvement of standards for health services,

                                         (iv)    the education and training of personnel providing health services, and

                                          (v)    any other matter related to public health;

                                 (d)    representing members of the PHAA in discussions and negotiations with governments and government agencies and with organizations that are engaged in providing or are otherwise interested in the provision of health services;

                                 (e)    regulating and promoting sound labour relations on behalf of the members of the PHAA and their employees or agents of their employees;

                                  (f)    co‑ordinating the activities of members of the PHAA in co‑operative or collaborative ventures;

                                 (g)    initiating and carrying out projects, plans or programs and operating and furnishing services designed to improve the quality or efficacy of services provided by members of the PHAA that, in the opinion of the PHAA, will contribute to the improvement of the health and well‑being of the residents of Alberta.

1981 cA‑29.1 s5;1987 c5 s2;1996 cA‑0.5 s15;1996 c6 s6

Capacity and powers

6   The PHAA has the capacity and, subject to this Act, the rights, powers and privileges of a natural person.

1981 cA‑29.1 s6;1996 c6 s7

Board of Directors general duty to manage

7(1)  There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the persons elected or appointed as its members pursuant to the bylaws of the PHAA.

(2)  The Board of Directors shall manage the business and affairs of the PHAA.

(3)  Subject to section 8, the Board of Directors may exercise its powers by resolution.

1981 cA‑29.1 s7;1996 c6 s8


8   The Board of Directors may make bylaws respecting

                                 (a)    the admission, suspension and exclusion of members of the PHAA;

                                 (b)    the establishment of different classes of membership and the respective rights, privileges and duties of members of those classes;

                                 (c)    the manner in which membership dues and other fees and assessments shall be fixed;

                                 (d)    the election or appointment of the members of the Board of Directors and of the officers of that Board and their respective rights, powers, privileges and duties;

                                 (e)    the appointment by the Board of Directors of committees, and the delegation of any power or duty of the Board to a committee or person, except the power to make bylaws and regulations;

                                  (f)    the calling of meetings of members of the PHAA and the conduct of business at those meetings.

1981 cA‑29.1 s8;1987 c5 s3;1996 c6 s9

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