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(no amdt)


Public Health Act


Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Compliance required by owner

                3       Location of work camps

                4       Buildings

                5       Beds and bedding

                6       Furnishings

                7       Laundry service

                8       Outdoor privies

                9       Handwashing facilities

              10       Water

              11       Notice

              12       Sewage disposal

              13       Garbage

              14       Work camp closed

              15       Repeal

              16       Expiry


1   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “building” means any permanent or temporary structure, tent, vehicle or mobile unit used for recreation or accommodation for persons working or residing at a work camp or for the storage, preparation or serving of food at a work camp;

                                 (b)    “potable water” means water that is safe for human consumption;

                                 (c)    “work camp” means one or more buildings established to accommodate persons who are employed in mining, lumbering, construction, drilling, resource exploration or any other similar industry, and includes the land on which the building or buildings are situated.

Compliance required by owner

2   The owner of a work camp shall ensure that sections 3 to 14 are complied with.

Location of work camps

3   A work camp must be

                                 (a)    located on land that is adequately drained, and

                                 (b)    located, operated and equipped so that no nuisance is created.


4   All buildings of a work camp must be

                                 (a)    structurally sound,

                                 (b)    effectively protected against entry by vermin and other animals, and

                                 (c)    maintained

                                           (i)    in good repair, and

                                          (ii)    in a safe, clean and sanitary and weatherproof condition.

Beds and bedding

5(1)  Mattresses, pillows and other bedding that are supplied at a work camp must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.

(2)  Mattresses and pillows that are supplied at a work camp must have covers that can be laundered.

(3)  Sheets and pillowcases that are supplied at a work camp must be laundered as required to keep them clean and before each new user.


6   All furnishings provided at a work camp must be maintained in good repair and in a clean condition.

Laundry service

7   A work camp must be provided with a laundry service or laundry facilities in a manner sufficient to enable persons working or residing at the work camp to launder their personal items at least once a week.

Outdoor privies

8(1)  Where no other Act, regulation or by‑law requires that a work camp be equipped with water closets or chemical closets, the work camp must be provided with outdoor privies in a number and location and constructed so as to adequately meet the needs of persons working or residing at the work camp.

(2)  Water closets, chemical closets and outdoor privies must be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.

Handwashing facilities

9(1)  A work camp must be provided with handwashing facilities in a number and manner sufficient to adequately meet the needs of the persons working or residing at the work camp.

(2)  A work camp must be equipped with an adequate supply of

                                 (a)    soap or detergent in dispensers, and

                                 (b)    single service towels or hot air dryers.


10(1)  A work camp must be supplied with hot and cold water in an amount and manner sufficient to adequately meet the needs of persons working or residing at the work camp for cleaning and laundering.

(2)  A work camp must be supplied with potable water in an amount and manner sufficient to adequately meet the needs of persons working or residing at the work camp for drinking, food preparation and personal hygiene purposes.

(3)  The potable water supply and equipment used for transmission, treatment and storage of it must be maintained in good repair and in a sanitary condition.

(4)  When a work camp is not serviced by a municipal watermain, the regional health authority in which the work camp is located may give directions to the owner with respect to

                                 (a)    the source of the water to be used as potable water,

                                 (b)    the method of water treatment,

                                 (c)    the method of transmission of water,

                                 (d)    the storage of water, and

                                 (e)    the equipment used in connection with the storage of water,

and the owner shall comply with the regional health authoritys directions.


11   A notice must be posted in a conspicuous place in a work camp indicating which water sources are not potable.

Sewage disposal

12   A work camp must have an adequate sewage disposal system to manage the sewage generated by the camp.


13   Garbage and refuse must not be allowed to accumulate in a work camp so as to cause a nuisance or provide a breeding ground for vermin and other animals.

Work camp closed

14   When a work camp is permanently closed, the camp location must be left in a clean condition.


15   The Work Camps Regulation (AR 251/85) is repealed.


16   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on August 31, 2011.

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