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Health Professions Act


Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Register categories


                3       General register education and exam requirements

                4       Equivalent jurisdiction

                5       Equivalent competence

                6       Courtesy register applications

                7       Resuscitation certificate

                8       Liability insurance

                9       Good character, reputation

Titles and Abbreviations

              10       Authorization to use titles, etc.

Restricted Activities

       11, 12       Authorized restricted activities

              13       Restriction

              14       Students

Continuing Competence

              15       Program credits

              16       Continuing competence program rules

              17       Rule distribution

              18       Evaluation of regulated members

              19       Practice visits

              20       Actions to be taken

Practice Permit Renewal

              21       Application

Alternative Complaint Resolution

              22       Process conductor

              23       Agreement

              24       Confidentiality

              25       Leaving the process


              26       Reinstatement application

              27       Review of application

              28       Application for review

              29       Access to decision


              30       Providing information

              31       Correcting information

              32       Section 119 information

Transitional Provisions, Repeal and Coming into Force

              33       Transitional provisions

              34       Repeal

              35       Coming into force


1   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “active practice” means practising as an optometrist for at least 150 days in a 3 consecutive year period;

                                 (b)    “College” means The Alberta College of Optometrists;

                                 (c)    “Competence Committee” means the competence committee of the College;

                                 (d)    “Complaints Director” means the complaints director of the College;

                                 (e)    “Council” means the council of the College;

                                  (f)    “courtesy register” means the courtesy register category of the regulated members register;

                                 (g)    “general register” means the general register category of the regulated members register;

                                 (h)    “Hearing Tribunal” means the hearing tribunal of the College;

                                  (i)    “Hearings Director” means the hearings director of the College;

                                  (j)    “Registrar” means the registrar of the College;

                                 (k)    “Registration Committee” means the registration committee of the College;

                                  (l)    “Schedule 1 drugs” means Schedule 1 drugs within the meaning of the Pharmaceutical Profession Act;

                                (m)    “Schedule 2 drugs” means Schedule 2 drugs within the meaning of the Pharmaceutical Profession Act.

Register categories

2   The regulated members register established by the Council under section 33(1)(a) of the Act has the following categories:

                                 (a)    general register;

                                 (b)    courtesy register.


General register education and exam requirements

3(1)  An applicant for registration as a regulated member on the general register must

                                 (a)    have a degree of doctor of optometry from a program approved by the Council,

                                 (b)    have successfully completed a registration examination approved by the Council, and

                                 (c)    have successfully completed a jurisprudence examination approved by the Council.

(2)  An applicant under subsection (1) must have completed the requirements set out in this section within the 3 years immediately preceding the date of submitting a complete application or have been in active practice as an optometrist in the 3 years prior to the date of submitting a complete application for registration.

(3)  An applicant who does not meet the requirements of subsection (2) must successfully complete a refresher education program approved by the Council prior to being registered.

Equivalent jurisdiction

4   A person currently registered in good standing in another jurisdiction recognized by the Council under section 28(2)(b) of the Act as having substantially equivalent registration requirements may be registered on the appropriate category of the regulated members register.

Equivalent competence

5(1)  An applicant who does not meet the requirements under section 3 or 4 but whose qualifications have been determined by the Registrar to be substantially equivalent to the competence requirements set out in section 3 or 4 may be registered on the appropriate category of the regulated members register.

(2)  In determining whether or not an applicant’s qualifications are substantially equivalent under subsection (1), the Registrar may require the applicant to undergo an examination, testing and assessment activity to assist with the determination.

(3)  The Registrar may direct the applicant to undergo any education or training activities the Registrar may consider necessary in order for the applicant to be registered.

Courtesy register applications

6   A person who is registered as an optometrist in good standing in another jurisdiction and who requires registration in Alberta on a temporary basis for a specified purpose approved by the Registrar and who satisfies the Registrar of the person’s competence to provide the services related to the specified purposes is eligible to be registered on the courtesy register for up to one year.

Resuscitation certificate

7   All applicants for registration as regulated members must have successfully completed a course that provides a level C certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation in accordance with the guidelines established by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

Liability insurance

8   All applicants for registration as regulated members must provide evidence of having the type and amount of professional liability insurance required by the Council.

Good character, reputation

9   All applicants for registration as regulated members must provide evidence of having good character and reputation by submitting any or all of the following on the request of the Registrar:

                                 (a)    written references from colleagues and, where applicable, from another jurisdiction in which they are currently registered;

                                 (b)    a statement by the applicant as to whether the applicant is currently undergoing an unprofessional conduct process or has previously been disciplined by another regulatory body responsible for the regulation of optometry or of another professions;

                                 (c)    a statement as to whether the applicant has ever been convicted of a criminal offence;

                                 (d)    any other evidence as requested.

Titles and Abbreviations

Authorization to use titles, etc.

10(1)  All regulated members may use

                                 (a)    the titles

                                           (i)    optometrist, and

                                          (ii)    optometric contact lens practitioner,

                                 (b)    the initials O.D., and

                                 (c)    the word registered, in combination with the titles referred to in clause (a).

(2)  In connection with providing optometric health services all regulated members may use the title doctor and Dr.

Restricted Activities

Authorized restricted activities

11   A regulated member may perform the following restricted activities, within the meaning of Schedule 7.1 to the Government Organization Act:

                                 (a)    to prescribe and dispense corrective lenses;

                                 (b)    to prescribe the following Schedule 1 drugs for the purpose of diagnosis:

                                           (i)    mydriatics;

                                          (ii)    cycloplegics;

                                         (iii)    miotics;

                                 (c)    to give, as samples to the regulated member’s patients,

                                           (i)    Schedule 1 drugs listed in clause (b),

                                          (ii)    Schedule 2 drugs used in the practice of optometry, and

                                         (iii)    if the regulated member meets the requirements of sections 12 and 13, Schedule 1 drugs listed in section 12(1)(a).

Authorized restricted activities

12(1)  A regulated member may perform the following restricted activities, within the meaning of Schedule 7.1 to the Government Organization Act:

                                 (a)    prescribe the following Schedule 1 drugs for topical application in the treatment of ocular anterior segment disorders:

                                           (i)    mydriatics;

                                          (ii)    cyclopegics;

                                         (iii)    miotics;

                                         (iv)    non‑steroidal anti‑allergy medications;

                                          (v)    non‑steroidal anti‑inflammatory medications;

                                         (vi)    corticosteroids;

                                        (vii)    anti‑infective medications, including steroidal anti‑infectives;

                                       (viii)    anti‑glaucoma medication;

                                 (b)    perform surgical procedures on body tissue below the dermis or the mucous membrane or in or below the surface of the cornea in the removal of superficial foreign bodies from the eye.

(2)  Despite subsection (1), a regulated member may only perform the restricted activities under subsection (1) if the member has

                                 (a)    successfully completed a 100‑hour course approved by the Council of which 40 hours must be in a clinical setting dealing with therapeutic agents, or

                                 (b)    graduated from a program approved by the Council.

(3)  Despite subsection (1), regulated members may only prescribe anti‑glaucoma medication referred to in subsection (1)(a)(viii) in a consultative, co‑management arrangement with an ophthalmologist who is licensed to practice in Canada.

(4)  The Council must establish criteria respecting

                                 (a)    administrating and prescribing Schedule 1 drugs referred to in subsection (1)(a), and

                                 (b)    the requirements of the co‑management arrangement with an ophthalmologist referred to in subsection (3).

(5)  Regulated members carrying out the restricted activities referred to in subsections (1) and (3) must follow the criteria established by the Council pursuant to subsection (4).


13   Despite sections 11 and 12, regulated members must restrict themselves in performing restricted activities to those activities that they are competent to perform and to those that are appropriate to the member’s area of practice and the procedure being performed.


14(1)  A student who is enrolled in a program of optometry approved by the Council may perform the restricted activities specified in sections 11 and 12 under the supervision of a regulated member who is authorized to perform the restricted activity and who is physically present on the site where the procedure is being performed and is available to assist.

(2)  Despite subsection (1), a person not otherwise authorized to dispense corrective lenses may dispense corrective lenses under the supervision of an optometrist if the optometrist is satisfied that the person has sufficient competence to do so and the optometrist is available for consultation at all times.

Continuing Competence

Program credits

15(1)  On and after the January 1 immediately following the coming into force of this Regulation,

                                 (a)    regulated members who are regulated members on that January 1 must in each successive 3‑year period, and

                                 (b)    regulated members who become regulated members after that January 1 must in each successive 3‑year period after the date each person became a regulated member

obtain 60 continuing education credits and have a minimum of 150 days of optometric practice.

(2)  To obtain program credits, a regulated member may undertake the following developmental activities in accordance with the continuing competence program rules approved under section 16:

                                 (a)    attendance at

                                           (i)    university or college courses or lectures, or

                                          (ii)    conferences or seminars;

                                 (b)    providing a presentation as part of

                                           (i)    a university or college course or lecture, or

                                          (ii)    a conference or seminar;

                                 (c)    successful completion of a post‑graduate certification program or course;

                                 (d)    publication in a refereed health journal;

                                 (e)    undertaking individualized learning activities;

                                  (f)    participating as a member of the Council of the College or a committee established by the Council;

                                 (g)    attendance at an optometric event approved by the Council, the Registrar or the Competence Committee;

                                 (h)    other activities approved by the Council, the Registrar or the Competence Committee.

(3)  As part of the continuing competence program, regulated members must submit within each 3‑year period a list of continuing competence activities undertaken and supporting documentation.

Continuing competence program rules

16(1)  The Registrar or Competence Committee may recommend to the Council

                                 (a)    rules governing the program credits that may be earned for each professional activity,

                                 (b)    rules governing the type and category of professional activities that a regulated member must undertake in a 3‑year period,

                                 (c)    rules limiting the number of professional development activities within a specific category for which a member may earn credits, and

                                 (d)    any other rules, as required, governing the continuing competence program.

(2)  The rules recommended under subsection (1) and any recommended amendments to those rules must be distributed by the Registrar to all regulated members for their review.

(3)  The Council may approve rules and amendments to the rules  reviewed under subsection (2).

Rule distribution

17   The rules and any amendments to the rules approved under section 16 must be made available by the Registrar to the public, the Minister, regional health authorities and any person who requests them.

Evaluation of regulated members

18   The Registrar or Competence Committee must periodically select regulated members in accordance with criteria established by the Council for a review and evaluation of all or part of the member’s continuing competence program.

Practice visits

19(1)  The Competence Committee is authorized to carry out practice visits and may, for the purposes of assessing continuing competence, select individual regulated members or groups of regulated members for a practice visit.

(2)  The criteria for selecting members for review must be developed by the Competence Committee and approved by the Council.

Actions to be taken

20   If the results of a practice visit are unsatisfactory, the Competence Committee may direct a regulated member or a group of regulated members to undertake one or more of the following actions within the time period, if any, specified by the Competence Committee:

                                 (a)    completion of specific continuing competence requirements or professional development activities;

                                 (b)    completion of any examinations, testing, assessment, training, education or counselling to enhance competence in a specified area or areas;

                                 (c)    a requirement to practice under the supervision of another regulated member;

                                 (d)    limitation of practice to specified procedures or practice settings;

                                 (e)    reporting to the committee on specified matters on specified dates;

                                  (f)    prohibition from supervising other regulated members or students;

                                 (g)    correction of any problems identified in the practice visit;

                                 (h)    demonstration of competence gained in a specific area.

Practice Permit Renewal


21   A regulated member applying to renew a practice permit must provide evidence of

                                 (a)    having met the continuing competence requirements specified in section 15, and

                                 (b)    having the type and amount of liability insurance required by the Council.

Alternative Complaint Resolution

Process conductor

22   When a complainant and an investigated person have agreed to enter into an alternative complaint resolution process, the Complaints Director must appoint an individual to conduct the alternative complaint resolution process.


23   The person conducting the alternative complaint resolution process must, in consultation with the complainant and the investigated person, establish the procedures for and objectives of the alternative complaint resolution process, which must be set out in writing and signed by the complainant, the investigated person and the representative of the College.


24   The complainant and the investigated person must, subject to section 59 of the Act, agree to treat all information shared during  the process as confidential.

Leaving the process

25   The complainant and the investigated person may withdraw from the alternative complaint resolution process at any time.


Reinstatement application

26(1)  A person whose registration and practice permit have been cancelled under Part 4 of the Act may apply in writing to the Registrar to have the registration and practice permit reinstated.

(2)  An application under subsection (1) may not be made earlier than

                                 (a)    5 years after the cancellation, or

                                 (b)    one year after the refusal of an application under clause (a).

(3)  An applicant under subsection (1) must provide evidence to the Registration Committee of qualifications for registration.

Review of application

27(1)  An application under section 26 must be reviewed by the Registration Committee in accordance with the application for registration process set out in sections 28 to 30 of the Act.

(2)  On reviewing an application in accordance with subsection (1), the Registration Committee must

                                 (a)    consider

                                           (i)    the record of the hearing at which the applicant’s registration and practice permit were cancelled, and

                                          (ii)    the evidence presented at the hearing,


                                 (b)    be satisfied that

                                           (i)    the applicant meets the current requirements for registration,

                                          (ii)    any conditions imposed at the time the applicant’s permit and registration were cancelled have been met, and

                                         (iii)    the applicant is fit to practice optometry and does not pose a risk to public safety.

(3)  The Registration Committee on reviewing an application may make one or more of the following orders:

                                 (a)    an order denying the application;

                                 (b)    an order directing the Registrar to reinstate the person’s registration and practice permit;

                                 (c)    an order directing the Registrar to impose specified terms and conditions on the person’s practice permit.

Application for review

28   An applicant whose application is denied or on whose practice permit terms and conditions have been imposed under section 27, may apply to the Council for a review of the decision of the Registration Committee in accordance with the process set out in sections 31 and 32 of the Act.

Access to decision

29(1)  The Registration Committee may order that its decision be publicized in a manner it considers appropriate.

(2)  The College must make the decision of the Registration Committee available for 5 years to the public on request.


Providing information

30(1)  A regulated member must, when there is a change to the information or at the request of the Registrar, provide the following information in addition to that required under section 33(3) of the Act:

                                 (a)    home and business mailing address, e‑mail address, phone numbers and fax numbers;

                                 (b)    full name and previous names as applicable;

                                 (c)    initial year of registration;

                                 (d)    degrees and other qualifications;

                                 (e)    school of graduation;

                                  (f)    year of graduation;

                                 (g)    date of birth and gender;

                                 (h)    employer’s name or place of business, including business names;

                                  (i)    job title and position description;

                                  (j)    date of employment;

                                 (k)    names of other jurisdictions in which the member is registered;

                                  (l)    any other colleges of a profession that provides health services in which the member is registered and whether the member is a practising member of that college.

(2)  Subject to section 34(1) of the Act, the College may release the information collected under subsection (1) only

                                 (a)    with the consent of the regulated member whose information it is, or

                                 (b)    in a summarized or statistical form so that it is not possible to relate the information to any particular identifiable person.

Correcting information

31   The Registrar may correct or remove any information in the register if the Registrar determines it is incorrect or inaccurate.

Section 119 information

32   The Council must provide the information referred to in section 119(4) of the Act as follows:

                                 (a)    in the case of a cancellation of practice permit, the information must be available for 5 years after the cancellation came into effect;

                                 (b)    in the case of a condition imposed on a practice permit, including suspensions, the information must be available while the condition is in effect;

                                 (c)    records of hearings, including decisions, must be available for 5 years after the decision is made;

                                 (d)    information on the date a hearing is scheduled or held must be available until the hearing is completed.

Transition Provisions, Repeal and Coming into Force

Transitional provisions

33   On the coming into force of this Regulation, a person described in section 7(1) or (2) of Schedule 17 to the Act is deemed to be entered on the regulated member register in the register category that the Registrar considers appropriate.


34   The following Regulations are repealed:

                                 (a)    Optometry Profession General Regulation (AR 388/85);

                                 (b)    Optometry Profession Standards of Practice Regulation (AR 389/85).

Coming into force

35   This Regulation comes into force on the coming into force of Schedule 17 to the Health Professions Act.

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