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(no amdt)


Mental Health Act


Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Delegation

                3       Power to act on a complaint relating to a formal patient

                4       Power to initiate an investigation without a complaint

                5       Procedures

                6       Disclosure

                7       Report

                8       Frivolous complaint

                9       Notice to complainant

              10       Repeal

              11       Expiry


1   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “Act” means the Mental Health Act;

                                 (b)    “formal patient” includes a person who has been a formal patient;

                                 (c)    “Patient Advocate” means the Mental Health Patient Advocate appointed under the Act.


2   The Patient Advocate may in writing delegate to any person holding any office under the Patient Advocate any power or duty conferred or imposed on the Patient Advocate under the Act or the regulation under the Act, except the power of delegation in this section and the power or duty to make any report under the Act or regulations.

Power to act on a complaint relating to a formal patient

3(1)  On receipt of a complaint from or relating to a formal patient, the Patient Advocate

                                 (a)    shall notify the board of the facility in which the formal patient is detained of the nature of the complaint,

                                 (b)    shall notify the formal patient, in writing, that a complaint has been received, of the nature of the complaint and of any investigation arising from the complaint,

                                 (c)    if a person other than a formal patient is named in the complaint, shall notify that person of any investigation arising from the complaint, and

                                 (d)    shall make any contact with the formal patient and conduct any investigation of the complaint that the Patient Advocate considers necessary.

(2)  If a complaint relates to a formal patient who has been transferred from one facility to another, the notice under subsection (1)(a) must be provided to the boards of both facilities.

(3)  A formal patient and a person who has received notice of an investigation under subsection (1)(c) has the right to make representations to the Patient Advocate relating to the complaint.

(4)  The Patient Advocate may investigate a complaint only as it relates to the period during which the person who is the subject of the complaint was subject to 2 admission certificates or 2 renewal certificates.

(5)  On receipt of a complaint, the Patient Advocate shall provide to the formal patient and to the complainant, as far as is reasonable, information respecting the following:

                                 (a)    the rights of the formal patient under the Act;

                                 (b)    how the formal patient may obtain legal counsel;

                                 (c)    how to make an application to the review panel;

                                 (d)    how to commence an appeal to the Court of Queen’s Bench.

Power to initiate an investigation without a complaint

4   The Patient Advocate may, without receiving a complaint, initiate and conduct an investigation into

                                 (a)    any procedure of a facility relating to the admission of a person detained in the facility pursuant to the Act, and

                                 (b)    any procedure of a facility

                                           (i)    for informing a formal patient of the patient’s rights, or

                                          (ii)    for providing information as required by the Act to guardians, nearest relatives or designates of a formal patient.


5(1)  The Patient Advocate

                                 (a)    shall maintain a record relating to every complaint and every investigation under this Regulation,

                                 (b)    may make any inquiries the Patient Advocate considers necessary to conduct an investigation,

                                 (c)    shall notify the board of a facility of the Patient Advocate’s intention to contact a patient or a formal patient of the facility, and

                                 (d)    shall notify the board of a facility of the Patient Advocate’s intention to carry out an investigation that relates to the facility, whether the investigation arises pursuant to section 3 or 4.

(2)  When the board is notified of the Patient Advocate’s intention to contact a patient or a formal patient of the facility in accordance with subsection 5(1)(c), the board shall grant the Patient Advocate access at all reasonable times.

(3)  The Patient Advocate is not required to hold a hearing.

(4)  If the Patient Advocate requests in writing from the board of a facility

                                 (a)    any policy or directive of the facility,

                                 (b)    any medical or other record or any information, file or other document relating to a patient or a formal patient who is the subject of an investigation under section 3 or 4, or

                                 (c)    any other information, file or document relating to an investigation under section 3 or 4,

the board shall, within a reasonable time after receipt of the request, provide access to the materials requested.

(5)  If the Patient Advocate so requests, the board shall provide a copy of any materials requested under subsection (4).


6   The Patient Advocate shall not disclose information obtained in the course of an investigation except as required by law or in the performance of the Patient Advocate’s duties under the Act or this Regulation.


7(1)  On completion of an investigation, the Patient Advocate shall prepare and send to the board a copy of the report of the investigation.

(2)  A report that contains recommendations must state the reasons for the recommendations.

(3)  If a report is sent to the board under subsection (1) and within a reasonable time after the report is sent to the board the Patient Advocate is of the opinion that the board has not taken appropriate action on any recommendation, the Patient Advocate shall send a copy of the report and the board’s response, if any, to the Minister.

Frivolous complaint

8   The Patient Advocate may refuse to investigate or cease to investigate a complaint if in the Patient Advocate’s opinion

                                 (a)    the subject‑matter of the complaint is trivial,

                                 (b)    the complaint is frivolous or vexatious, or

                                 (c)    having regard to all of the circumstances, no investigation is necessary.

Notice to complainant

9   The Patient Advocate

                                 (a)    shall inform a formal patient of the disposition of any complaint that relates to the formal patient, and

                                 (b)    may inform a complainant of the disposition of any complaint initiated by the complainant.


10   The Patient Advocate Regulation (AR 310/89) is repealed.


11   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on March 31, 2014.

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