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Regional Health Authorities Act


Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Membership

                3       Appointment of members

                4       Nomination process

                5       Eligibility for nomination

                6       Eligibility for appointment

                7       Disqualification

                8       Transitional ‑ contributions

                9       Transitional ‑ membership

              10       Consequential

              11       Repeals

              12       Expiry


1   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “Act” means the Regional Health Authorities Act;

                                 (b)    “member” means a member of a regional health authority;

                                 (c)    “Minister” means the member of the Executive Council designated under the Government Organization Act as the Minister responsible for the Act.


2   Each regional health authority consists of the number of members determined by the Minister by order.

Appointment of members

3(1)  The Minister shall appoint all of the members of a regional health authority.

(2)  The Minister shall, with respect to each regional health authority, designate one of the members as chair.

(3)  The members may designate the other offices of the regional health authority and appoint from among themselves persons to those offices and prescribe their duties.

Nomination process

4   The Minister may provide for a nomination procedure or any other method for selecting persons from among whom appointments may be made under section 3.

Eligibility for nomination

5(1)  In this section, a reference to spouse or adult interdependent partner does not include such a person who is living apart from the other party if the parties have separated pursuant to a written separation agreement or if their support obligations and family property have been dealt with by a court order.

(2)  A person may be nominated as a candidate for appointment under this Regulation if, at the time that person is nominated, that person

                                 (a)    is 18 years of age or older,

                                 (b)    is a Canadian citizen,

                                 (c)    has been a resident of Alberta for the 6 consecutive immediately preceding months,

                                 (d)    is a resident in the health region in which that person is being nominated, and

                                 (e)    is not otherwise ineligible or disqualified.

(3)  Subject to subsection (5), a person is not eligible to be nominated as a candidate for appointment under this Regulation if, at the time that person is nominated, that person

                                 (a)    is an employee of the regional health authority for which the person is nominated;

                                 (b)    is an employee of the Government who is under the administration of the Minister;

                                 (c)    is an independent health service provider who, directly or indirectly through a corporation, partnership or other association, receives from the Government of Alberta or the regional health authority for which the person is nominated, or both, income through the provision of health services, or is an employee of such an independent health service provider;

                                 (d)    is a director, officer or employee of a health service organization that receives 50% or more of its ongoing funding from either or both of the following:

                                                    (i)    the Government of Alberta through the Department of Health and Wellness;

                                                   (ii)    the regional health authority for which the person is nominated;

                                 (e)    is a director, officer or employee of a corporation, partnership or other association (other than a corporation, partnership or association referred to in clause (d)) that receives 50% or more of its gross annual income from either or both of the following:

                                                    (i)    the Government of Alberta through the Department of Health and Wellness;

                                                   (ii)    the regional health authority for which the person is nominated;

                                  (f)    alone or with the person’s spouse or adult interdependent partner, beneficially owns

                                           (i)    50% or more of the voting shares of a corporation referred to in clause (e), or

                                          (ii)    at least a 50% interest in a partnership or other association referred to in clause (e);

                                 (g)    receives 50% or more of his or her gross annual income through contracts with the regional health authority for which he or she is nominated;

                                 (h)    is a spouse or adult interdependent partner of a person referred to in any of clauses (a) to (e) or (g);

                                  (i)    holds office as or is nominated for office as a member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, the House of Commons or the Senate of Canada;

                                  (j)    is a judge of a court.

(4)  A person is not eligible to be nominated as a candidate for appointment under this Regulation if that person has been convicted of

                                 (a)    an offence under section 123, 124 or 125 of the Criminal Code (Canada), or

                                 (b)    an offence that is punishable by imprisonment for 5 or more years,

and no absolute discharge or pardon has been granted in respect of the offence.

(5)  A person who is ineligible under subsection (3) may nevertheless be nominated as a candidate for appointment under this Regulation if, in the nomination application, the person undertakes to eliminate the circumstances that constitute the ineligibility before being appointed.

(6)  The Minister may appoint as a member a person who eliminates the circumstances constituting his or her ineligibility in accordance with subsection (5).

Eligibility for appointment

6   A person is not eligible to be appointed as a member unless the person meets the eligibility requirements in section 5 on the date of the appointment.


7   A member is disqualified from being a member if the member ceases to meet any of the eligibility requirements in section 5.

Transitional ‑ contributions

8   A person who, on the coming into force of this Regulation, holds a surplus of contributions over expenses under section 11.6(1) of the Election and Appointment of Regional Health Authority Members Regulation (AR 57/2001) shall, within 90 days after the coming into force of this Regulation, transfer that surplus to the regional health authority for which the person was nominated, or its successor, as determined by the Minister.

Transitional ‑ membership

9   A person who on the coming into force of this Regulation has been appointed as a member of a regional health authority and is still a member is deemed to have been appointed under this Regulation, and that person continues as a member until his or her appointment is terminated or expires, or he or she is reappointed, as the case may be.


10   The Regional Health Authorities Regulation (AR 15/95) is amended by repealing section 2.92 and substituting the following:

Organizational meeting

2.92   Where

                                 (a)    the members of the regional health authority of a newly established health region are appointed, or

                                 (b)    more than half of the members of a regional health authority are replaced at the same time or substantially the same time,

the regional health authority shall hold an organizational meeting not later than 15 days after the last of the new appointments or replacement appointments is made.


11   The following regulations are repealed:

                                 (a)    the Election and Appointment of Regional Health Authority Members Regulation (AR 57/2001);

                                 (b)    the Regional Health Authorities Election Forms Regulation (AR 60/2001).


12   For the purpose of ensuring that this Regulation is reviewed for ongoing relevancy and necessity, with the option that it may be repassed in its present or an amended form following a review, this Regulation expires on October 31, 2014.

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