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(Consoliated up to 197/2007)


Pharmacy and Drug Act


Table of Contents

                1       Definitions

                2       Interpretation

                3       Exceptions

                4       Deemed compliance

                5       Repeal

                6       Coming into force


1   In this Regulation,

                                 (a)    “former Act” means the Pharmaceutical Profession Act, RSA 2000 cP‑12;

                                 (b)    “new Act” means the Pharmacy and Drug Act, RSA 2000 cP‑13.


2   Section 43 of the new Act is to be interpreted as if it read as follows:

Licence continued

43   A pharmacy licence issued under the former Act is deemed to be a community pharmacy licence under the new Act.


3(1)  The requirement under the new Act for an institution pharmacy to be a licensed pharmacy with an appropriate category of licence if it meets any of the conditions set out in section 4(3) of that Act does not apply in respect of an institution pharmacy that is in operation immediately before the coming into force of the new Act until 6 months after the new Act comes into force.

(2)  The requirements under the new Act in respect of a mail order pharmacy licence and the operation of a mail order pharmacy service

                                 (a)    are deemed to have had no effect on the coming into force of the new Act, and

                                 (b)    continue to have no effect until the date on which the earliest of the circumstances described in section 45(4) of the new Act occurs.

(3)  Section 5(2.6) of the new Act

                                 (a)    is deemed to have had no effect on the coming into force of the new Act, and

                                 (b)    continues to have no effect until the date on which the earliest of the circumstances described in section 45(4) of the new Act occurs.

AR 241/2006 s3;197/2007

Deemed compliance

4   The process followed by the council before the coming into force of the new Act respecting the adoption of a code of ethics and standards for the operation of licensed pharmacies is, on the coming into force of the new Act, deemed to be in compliance with the requirements of section 29.1 of the new Act and section 32 of the Pharmacy and Drug Regulation.


5   This Regulation is repealed in accordance with section 45(4) of the new Act.

Coming into force

6   This Regulation comes into force on the coming into force of the new Act.

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