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Utilities Consumer Advocate

The Office of the Utilities Consumer Advocate (UCA) works to ensure small consumers (residential, small business and farm) have the information, representation and protection they need to better equip them to make informed choices in Alberta's restructured electricity and natural gas markets.

The UCA does this by:

  • Providing tools, information and advice to help Alberta consumers make informed energy choices.
  • Representing consumer interests at the regulatory proceedings of the Energy and Utilities Board (EUB).
  • Ensuring government, other regulatory agencies and industry take consumer perspectives and concerns into account when developing energy utility legislation, policy and programs.
  • Working with Alberta consumers to resolve concerns and complaints with energy utility retailers.

The UCA website was updated and re-launched in July 2006 with a new web address:  to better help Albertans understand the restructured energy industry and make energy buying choices. The website includes tips on:

  • How to save money on your electricity and gas bills
  • What you should know before signing a retail energy contract
  • How to read your utility bills and meters.

Contact the UCA

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