
Airmaster Sales began operations in 1960 as a distributor for air moving products. The company has grown and diversified into a manufacturing and distribution organization, involved in the air moving field, as well as in a number of other product lines, including signs, construction heaters, agricultural products, and fans.

We operate out of our new building at 400 Keewatin Street in Winnipeg, Manitoba and distribute our products throughout Canada and the U.S.A.

signs: overview | What's New | Traffic Signs | Road Construction | Parking Signs | Safety Signs | Custom & Off Street Signs
Snowmobile Signs | 911 Signs | School Signs | Street Name Blades/Brackets | Sign Posts | Services | Letter Height Visibiltiy
Typical Construction Detail | Extruded Panels | Contact
agri: Overview | Bucket Elevators | 2-Way Valves | Debearders
Ladder, Safety Cage and Work Platform | Feed Mill Screens & Hammers | Grain Drying Heater | Contact
hvac: Overview | Cooling Towers | Flex Connectors | Humidifiers | Air Distribution Products | Vibration Reduction Products
Commercial & Industrial Fans | Kitchen Ventilation | Gas Detection | Chimney | Electric Heating Products
Water Filtration For Cooling Towers | Contact
heaters: Overview | AH-20 Fan | AH-42 Swivel Fans | B160 Heaters | RM350IDG Heaters
RM4000C/D Heaters | RM1/1.5DFG Heaters | RM400DFG Heaters | BTU Calculator | Accessories | Contact

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