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 Location: Alberta Government > Environment > Water > Legislation > Water Act
Last Review/Updated: February 24, 2006

Water Act and Environmental Protection & Enforcement Act

Links to the Water Act, Environmental Protection & Enforcement Act and Regulations below are on the web site for the Queen's Printer for Alberta. Copyright of the Alberta Statutes and Regulations belongs to the Province of Alberta. No person may reproduce copies of the legislation for any purpose other than personal use without the consent of the Queen's Printer for Alberta.

The consolidations accessible through these links have no legislative sanction and have been produced solely for the convenience of research. The official Statutes and Regulations must be consulted for all purposes of interpreting and applying the law. These consolidations do not contain maps, charts, and graphs contained in the printed versions.

Water Act

The Province's review of its water management policy and legislation began in 1991 with the view of updating its water management policy and legislation to ensure that Alberta's water is managed and conserved for today and for the future. The Water Resources Act was over 60 years old and was primarily a tool for allocating water. The new Act focuses on managing and protecting Alberta's water and on streamlining administrative processes.

The Water Act consists of the following components:

Part 1: Consultation
Part 2: Planning and Environmental Assessment
Part 3: Right to Divert and Priority of Rights
Part 4: Approvals, Licenses, Preliminary Certificates, Registrations
Part 5: Changes in Ownership, Transfers
Part 6: Water Management Works and Undertakings
Part 7: Remedial Measures
Part 8: Notice
Part 9: Appeals
Part 10: Inquiry and Enforcement Orders
Part 11: Offences, Penalties and Related Matters
Part 12: Civil Matters
Part 13: Miscellaneous Matters
Part 14: Transitional, Consequential, Repeal and Commencement

The following are the Water Act Regulations:


Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act

The following are Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act fact sheet summaries of regulations:

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