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Government of Alberta
Government & Public Sector
Landlords & Tenants
Corporate Registry
Land Titles
Information Access & Privacy
Motor Vehicle Registry
Personal Property Registry
Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service
Service Alberta
Utilities Consumer Advocate
Vital Statistics
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About Us

Led by George VanderBurg, Government Services provides a diverse range of services. These include licencing and registration, consumer education and protection, vital statistics, Service Alberta and land titles. The Ministry also provides support and guidance on information management, access and privacy and is responsible for the Office of the Utilities Consumer Advocate.

Goals and Priorities

Providing Efficient Licensing and Registry Services
More than 15 million transactions are conducted annually through Alberta Government Services and our network of 224 private registry agents conveniently located across the province. These include issuing driver's licences, registering births, marriages and deaths, land title searches and registrations of businesses, vehicles and liens against personal property.

Giving Albertans efficient and convenient access to government information and services
As the department responsible for the Service Alberta website, Alberta Government Services helps individuals in Alberta, across Canada and around the world obtain information, services and products from all Alberta government departments in one convenient visit.

Ensuring a fair and effective marketplace in Alberta and keeping consumers and businesses informed
Ensuring a fair marketplace for both buyers and sellers is a priority for Albertans and their government. Alberta Government Services informs consumers of their rights and responsibilities, licenses regulated businesses, investigates consumer complaints and enforces consumer protection legislation.

Advocating on behalf of Albertans' interests in the restructured utilities market
The Utilities Consumer Advocate ensures homeowners and tenants, farmers and operators of small businesses are represented fairly in their dealings with their utility companies, regulatory agencies such as the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board and the provincial government.

Effectively managing information protecting privacy
Alberta Government Services is responsible for administration of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA) and the government records management program under the Government Organization Act.

Business Areas

The department is organized into the following divisions:


Government Services works with four regulatory organizations that administer provincial legislation in specific market sectors, the Real Estate Council of Alberta (external site), Alberta Funeral Services Regulatory Board (external site), Alberta Motor Vehicle Industry Council (external site) and Credit Counselling Services of Alberta (external site).


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Government of Alberta services
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