October 21, 2003

New electronic health record helps keep patients safe

Edmonton...Alberta has launched a new era of patient care with the implementation of the province's Electronic Health Record, the first of its kind in Canada.

The Alberta Electronic Health Record is a province-wide clinical health information system that links physicians, pharmacists, hospitals, home care and other providers across the province. The record stores pertinent patient information on-line so that health care providers may access a patient's prescription history, allergies and laboratory test results immediately on-line, via computer. The result is more accurate diagnosis and treatment for better, safer patient care.

"This is an excellent example of how made-in-Alberta solutions are changing the face of health care for all Canadians," said Premier Ralph Klein. "The work we have accomplished on electronic health records, and the partnerships we have established, form the model for other provinces to follow."

"Physicians and health care providers now have access to important patient information when and where they need it," said Gary Mar, Minister of Health and Wellness. "This innovative tool will assist Alberta's health care professionals in providing the best possible care for their patients."

"This new record allows physicians to quickly check for a patient's vital information to assist with diagnosis or avoid conflicting prescriptions. For example, even though a patient is delivered unconscious to an emergency room, doctors can use the record to quickly obtain life-saving information," said Dr. Brendan Bunting, president of the Alberta Medical Association.

The security and privacy of the health information in the Alberta Electronic Health Record follows the highest on-line security standards in the world. Health care providers using the electronic record undergo rigorous security clearance. The system monitors around the clock for attempted unauthorized activity.

The record is a collaboration among the Alberta government and health care stakeholders including physicians, pharmacists, regional health authorities, Alberta SuperNet, IBM Canada, and Canada Health Infoway.

In line with its mission to foster the development of compatible Electronic Health Record systems across Canada, Canada Health Infoway is investing in the implementation of the drug information component of Alberta's EHR. "I am proud that this made-in-Alberta solution will benefit from our investment support to ensure it can be replicated by other provinces and territories across Canada. This is a hallmark of how Infoway works - to invest in best of breed electronic healthcare solutions and accelerate their adoption in other jurisdictions across Canada," said Dr. Larry Ohlhauser, Member of the Infoway Board of Directors.

"For the past five years, IBM has worked closely with Alberta to deliver industry-leading electronic health record solutions to improve the quality of health care," said Robert Morine, Vice President Public Sector, IBM Canada Ltd. "We look forward to extending that relationship and continuing to improve the delivery of health care in Alberta through e-business solutions."

Alberta Health and Wellness spent $59 million to develop the Alberta Electronic Health Record, including its implementation up to spring 2004. It is expected all Alberta health regions, one-third of physicians' offices, and half of all pharmacies will be using electronic health records by spring 2004.

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Revised: This news release was amended on January 5, 2004.

For further information, contact:

Howard May
Alberta Health and Wellness
(780) 427-7164

Dial 310-0000 for toll free access outside Edmonton

Access is available on-line at http://www.health.gov.ab.ca


Edmonton, October 21, 2003

Alberta Electronic Health Record





For further information, contact:

Howard May
Alberta Health and Wellness
(780) 427-7164

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