Information Bulletin

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Thursday, May 05, 2005

Thursday morning's session began with a recap from each of the speakers, then moved into group discussions of the key question: What do you think are Alberta's best opportunities to create a high performing health system?

Highlights from the speakers

Richard Alvarez

Egon Jonsson

Steven Morgan

Wayne McNee

Richard Wootten

Ricky Richardson

Archie Galbraith

Janice MacKinnon

Richard Saltman

Martin Pfaff

Rudolf Klein

Mason Durie

Ian Anderson

Jennifer Zelmer

Alan Maynard

Orvill Adams

John Cowell

John Perry

Peter Davis

Glen Roberts

Gérard De Pouvourville

Hearing from participants

After spending an hour in roundtables of discussion, participants came up with a variety of solutions to the question: what does Alberta need to do to become a high performing system? Here's a sample of what people said.

Matt Spence wraps up the day

Matt took on the difficult challenge of trying to tie the past two days together, and some of the themes he highlighted were these:

Minister Evans brings the Symposium to a close

Minister Evans thanked all those who had played a part in the Symposium whether that was in organizing, speaking, or participating in the discussions. She highlighted key things she would take away from the Symposium and signaled her intention to focus on four key areas: wellness and achieving better health for Albertans, especially Alberta's children and Aboriginal populations; primary health care, and extending that model to all Albertans; electronic health records to be in place by January 2008; and mental health to achieve significant gains in improving access to treatment and addressing children's mental health.

The text of the Minister's remarks is available on the Symposium website.

Words to think about

"Health reform is like reengineering a jet plan while you're in flight."

"One of our biggest challenges is to get Albertans to take more ownership of their own health."

"We've brought the world to Alberta."

"You need to be cautious, but you also have to have the will to make changes. You need politicians who will take risks and move forward with the evidence."

"It's about us. It's about Alberta. As green as other pastures are, they are not Alberta. We can learn from others. We live in a global world. But in the end it's our bootstraps that will pull us up. Let's all pull together."

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