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Kirsten:780.482.0323, 1.800.272.9680, ext.323.
Note: Online renewals will NOT be possible, 1-4 a.m., Sunday, November 26. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Feature Stories
  • Government
    The AMA poses 10 questions about access to quality care to the PC leadership candidates ... click for more.

  • DUE Quarterly
    Member survey, November 3-25. Help determine if the newsletter continues to be published. DUE Quarterly promotes more effective medication use by seniors in a patient-physician-pharmacist team. Current issue: Osteoporosis management: An update ... click for more.

  • AMA Resources for Physicians
    Patients FirstĀ® still the law: Amended HIA allows physician discretion in disclosure to police ... click for more.

  • President's Letter
    Dr. G.N. (Gerry) Kiefer discusses Negotiations 2006, Northern Alberta and the PC leadership race ... click for more.

  • AMA/CMF Medical Student Bursary
    Applications now accepted for 2007 AMA/CMF Medical Student Bursary

  • CMA Special Awards
    Nominations will be accepted until November 30 for eight CMA Special Awards ... click for more.

Member Reminders
  • Achievement Awards
    Nominate someone who works hard to provide quality health care in Alberta (physicians and non-physicians) ... click for more.

  • Alberta Doctors' Digest
    A bimonthly magazine featuring articles and views on health care issues and AMA activities. Check the current issue ... click for more.

  • MD Scope
    A monthly member newsletter of concise updates. Check the current issue ... click for more.

  • Section News
    AMA sections report on their challenges and objectives. Read the current issue ... click for more.

  • Other
    By December 15, nominate to the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame a Canadian citizen who has made a single meritorious contribution or achieved a lifetime of outstanding accomplishments in the health sciences ... click for more.

  • Website tips for members
    Sign in to access member pages. Use new browsers. Allow select pop-ups ... click for more.

The Alberta Medical Association stands as an advocate for its physician members, providing leadership and support for their role in the provision of quality health care.

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Alberta Medical Association
12230 106 Ave NW
Edmonton AB T5N 3Z1
T 780.482.2626
TF 1.800.272.9680
F 780.482.5445

Southern Alberta Office
350-708 11 Ave SW
Calgary AB T2R 0E4
T 403.266.3533
TF 1.866.830.1274
F 403.269.3538
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