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The Alberta Association of Midwives (AAM) was registered as a society in 1982 to represent the professional interests of midwives. Membership includes registered midwives, associate members
and student midwives. The AAM evolved out of a recognized need for continuity of care in the maternity cycle, as well as in response to increasing public support of midwifery in Alberta. Since it was formed, the AAM has worked with consumers, government agencies and other health care professionals to promote legalization and public funding of midwifery.

In July of 1998, the Health Disciplines Board of Alberta Labour opened the Midwifery Registry. After extensive review of qualifications, written and practical examinations, an eligible midwife may now register to practice in the province of Alberta. The Health Disciplines Board also appointed the Midwifery Health Disciplines Committee, which is responsible for public safety and regulation of the profession.

The Alberta Association of Midwives:

  • Works with all stakeholders to secure public funding for midwifery services.
  • Provides continuing education opportunities for its membership and lobbies      for a midwifery education program.
  • Supports midwifery-centered research and its application to practice.
  • Represents midwives in matters of professional interest such as remuneration, benefits and liability insurance.
  • Promotes awareness of the roles and functions of the profession of midwifery.
  • Collaborates with the Midwifery Committee to establish a College of Midwifery
© 2000-2007 Alberta Association of Midwives. Designed and maintained by Geri Lehner