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Last Review/Updated: September 16, 2004
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Amendments to the Alberta Ozone-Depleting Substances and Halocarbons Regulation

Alberta is an active supporter of the national strategy to reduce ozone-depleting substances and takes a proactive role in developing and implementing programs to control emissions of ozone-depleting substances.

In September of 1993, Alberta enacted the Ozone-Depleting Substances Regulation, which governs the use, handling and release of CFCs, HCFCs and halons and other ozone-depleting substances.

Although substantial progress had been made in reducing emissions of these substances, further measures are still required to control, reduce, or eliminate potential emissions from remaining inventories of CFCs and halons that are still being used in applications such as refrigeration, air conditioning and fire protection.

Based on input from stakeholders and the provinces, in May 2001 the National Action Plan was updated and endorsed by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment to accelerate the phase-out of CFC and halon uses, and dispose of surplus stocks of these ozone-depleting substances.

In order to harmonize the Alberta program with the 2001 revised National Action Plan, Alberta Environment has amended the Alberta Ozone-Depleting Substances and Halocarbons Regulation. These amendments came into effect July 1, 2004 and include additional CFC refill restrictions for the mobile and commercial refrigeration sectors, refill restrictions for halon fire extinguishers and implementation of seller take-back provisions for surplus CFC refrigerants.

Key Changes
These amendments include the following key changes:

  • Addition of a prohibition on recharge of a mobile refrigeration system with CFCs effective January 1, 2005
  • Addition of a prohibition on recharge of commercial refrigeration and air conditioning with CFCs after January 1, 2005 (applies to all units having a refrigeration capacity greater than 19 kilowatts and does not apply to chillers)
  • Addition of a requirement requiring conversion or replacement of CFC containing chillers at next overhaul after January 1, 2005 (subject to a one year CFC refill extension)
  • Addition of a prohibition on recharge of portable halon fire extinguishing equipment after January 1, 2005, except for critical uses
  • Allowance for one refill between 2005 and 2010 for fixed halon fire extinguishing systems on the basis that the system would be replaced within a year of the refill, subject to critical use exemptions
  • Prohibition of all refills for fixed halon fire extinguishing systems, except for critical uses, after 2010
  • Addition of a seller take back requirement for surplus CFCs
  • Addition of new definitions and incorporation of administrative changes (e.g. offence sections)

Copies of the amended regulation are available through the Queen's Printer.

If you would like more information, contact Larry Begoray, Science and Standards Branch at (780) 427-7598.

For toll-free access, dial 310-0000 from anywhere in Alberta.

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