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Finding Local Weather Data

 Chuck Hall grazes cattle in the Smoky Lake area. Before he makes any pasture management decisions, he would like to see how much precipitation his area received in the last 10 days.
Station viewer - 33 KBChuck wants to use the Station Viewer to find one thing:
  1. How much precipitation has his area received in the last 10 days?
  • Select the Station Viewer from the tabs at the top of the screen.
  • Select the magnifying glass. Draw a rectangle around the area you want to zoom in on. The map will zoom to the area that was drawn, and display the weather stations in that area.
  • Select the rectangle tool. Drag a rectangle around the weather station you want to view weather data on.
  • A list of stations will appear to the left of the map. Select the stations that you want to view. For this exercise, we will select the Smoky Lake AGDM station.
  • Click on Choose Parameters.
    • Select Accumulated Precip.
    • Enter Start and End Date. Data as current as 24 hours previous is available.
  • Click on Graph Data.
The graph will display the daily accumulated precipitation, in millimeters, for the weather station selected.

Note: The parameters available vary between stations. Some stations collect data on a small number of parameters, while others collect data on several parameters.

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Other Documents in the Series

  AgroClimatic Information Service (ACIS): Case Studies
Finding the Length of the Growing Season
Determining the Driest Areas in the Province
Monitoring Crop Growth
Finding Local Weather Data - Current Document
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Ralph Wright.
This document is maintained by Lisa Guenther.
This information published to the web on August 1, 2006.

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