News Release

June 16, 2005


Province seeks public input on dependent adult and personal directive legislation

Edmonton... Albertans are invited to provide input into a review of two pieces of legislation that deal with what happens when Albertans are unable to make decisions for themselves, the Personal Directives Act and the Dependent Adults Act. Government is gathering feedback through an online discussion guide and survey questions as well as public consultation sessions to be held this fall.

"This legislation is being reviewed to ensure it meets the current needs of Albertans," says Yvonne Fritz, Minister of Seniors and Community Supports. "The legislation must reflect what Albertans want to happen should they ever be in this very difficult situation. This review is also a wonderful way to raise awareness about the importance of Albertans putting their wishes down on paper in a personal directive, in case they are unable to make decisions in the future."

The Personal Directives Act governs what happens when Albertans are unable to make personal decisions for themselves. The Dependent Adults Act governs what happens when Albertans are no longer able to make personal and financial decisions for themselves, whether through short-term illness or long-term disability. Both acts are administered by Alberta Seniors and Community Supports.

Many options will be addressed during the public consultation process, including if Albertans want their spouses or family members to make decisions for them if they are in a situation where they cannot speak for themselves.

The online discussion guide is available at and The deadline for submissions is August 5, 2005.

Following the review, amendments to the legislation will be drafted and introduced in the provincial legislature.

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Charlene Morrison
Assistant Director of Communications
Alberta Seniors and Community Supports

To call toll free within Alberta dial 310-0000.


June 16, 2005

Dependent Adults Act

The Dependent Adults Act was proclaimed in 1978 and provides assistance to adults who need help making decisions. The Office of the Public Guardian, under Alberta Seniors and Community Supports, can be appointed to make personal decisions. The Office of the Public Trustee, under Alberta Justice, can be appointed to handle financial decisions.

The Dependent Adults Act protects the rights of Albertans who have a mental disability such as a developmental disability, chronic mental illness, brain injury or dementia and have been declared a dependent adult.

Personal Directives Act

The Personal Directives Act was proclaimed in 1997. A personal directive allows an Albertan to prepare written instructions in case they become incapable of making those decisions later. An Albertan can also choose someone they trust to act as an agent to make decisions, not related to finances, on their behalf.

Anyone over the age of 18 can complete a personal directive. Personal directives can be written with or without the assistance of a lawyer and become legal documents when dated, signed and witnessed. Spouses or family members do not automatically have the legal authority to make decisions on another person's behalf.

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Charlene Morrison
Assistant Director of Communications
Alberta Seniors and Community Supports
(780) 415-9950

To call toll free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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