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Health Services Utilization Steering Committee Request For Public Input
October 7, 1999

I. Introduction

On September 23, 1999, the Honourable Halvar Jonson, Minister of Health and Wellness, announced the membership and terms of reference for the Health Services Utilization Steering Committee. The Steering Committee was structured to provide advice and recommendations to the Minister by December 10, 1999, on the formation of the Health Services Utilization Commission.

As part of the process to fulfil this commitment to the Minister, the Health Services Utilization Steering Committee is seeking input from Albertans, health system managers, policy makers, researchers, and other stakeholders on how a Commission should be established and the direction it should undertake to ensure continuous improvement in the health system.

II. Committee Composition

Bonnie Laing (Chair) - MLA for Calgary Bow; former Chair of the Health System Funding Review Committee.

Mary Gibson - Assistant Deputy Minister, Health Information & Accountability Division for Alberta Health and Wellness.

Hume Martin - Senior Regional Officer, Corporate Planning, Calgary Regional Health Authority.

Dr. Devidas Menon - Executive Director and CEO of the Institute of Health Economics, Professor, Department of Public Health Sciences, University of Alberta.

Dr. Peter Norton - Physician; Head of Family Medicine Department, University of Calgary

Dr. Larry Ohlhauser - Physician; Registrar, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta.

Jeanette Pick – Former administrator and Nurse; former Chief Operating Officer (Acute Care), Calgary Regional Health Authority.

Karen Polowick - Vice-Chair of the Capital Health Authority Board; nurse (member of the provincial and national nurses' associations); former Director of Patient Care at the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

Linda Steinmann - Consumer; Chair of the Wetaskiwin AADL/EHB Appeal Panel and the Citizens Appeal and Advisory Board.

III. Terms of Reference

The objective of the Steering Committee is to:

  • Provide advice and make recommendations to the Minister of Health and Wellness which address mandate, accountability, organizational structure, budget requirements, staffing, priority research areas, and overall approach regarding the establishment of a Health Services Utilization Commission.

The Steering Committee shall accomplish the above by:

  • Consulting with Albertans, stakeholders, health system managers, policy makers, research funding organizations and researchers on the nature of current activity with respect to health services utilization;
  • Identify current barriers to the dissemination and implementation of health services utilization information in consumer, clinical, administrative and policy decision making;
  • Review and assess other health services utilization organizations to understand their purpose, accountability, structure, and resource requirements, for their applicability to the Alberta scene; and
  • Survey the health research field in Alberta and Canada with a view to understanding the role of the proposed Commission in the larger health research agenda and its relationship with other health research bodies/activities.

IV. What is Health Services Utilization?

Health services utilization analysis is the systematic evaluation of health services information to produce objective information about the health care delivery system. It is an important part of the continuous improvement cycle strongly connected with planning, outcome monitoring, and course correction. By highlighting the status and performance of health services delivery, utilization analysis can help steer the health care delivery system towards improved levels of appropriateness, effectiveness, and efficiency.

Health services utilization analysis provides evidence for making management choices in health services delivery that reflects and match population health needs.

V. Important Dates

The Steering Committee will be meeting with groups and organizations who are interested in making a presentation on October 21 and 22, 1999. Meetings will be in both Calgary and Edmonton.

Written submissions to the Steering Committee will be accepted until October 28, 1999.

VI. Your Input is Required

To assist the Steering Committee in determining the structure and function of a Health Services Utilization Commission, please take the time to respond to the following questions.

  • What would you see as the mandate or purpose of a Health Services Utilization Commission?
  • Given the scope and mandate that you proposed in answering Question 1, how do you envision the Health Services Utilization Commission being governed? How do you envision the Commission operating?
  • The Commission may need to establish many linkages within the province and the country. From your perspective, which linkages are crucial and what would be the main purposes for these linkages?
  • To whom would the Health Services Utilization Commission be accountable?
  • What areas of health services research do you feel the Health Services Utilization Commission should undertake?
  • What responsibilities should the Commission have for the acquisition, management, and production of health related data?
  • When the Health System Utilization Commission is established it will need to be able to measure its effectiveness. How should it do this?
  • How useful has health services utilization information been in your decision making? Give examples.
  • What processes need to be in place to disseminate/communicate and apply data from a utilization commission?
  • What power, if any, would you recommend the Commission be given to assist in the implementation of its findings?

VII. For Additional Information

To book a presentation time, or to forward materials, please contact:

Mr. Brian Wik
Project Manager
Health Services Utilization Steering Committee
#700, 250 – 6th Ave. S.W.
Calgary, Alberta. T2P 3H7
Phone: (403) 299-9380  Fax: (403) 299-9389


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