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Health Summit '99
Delegate Recommendations
Question 3: "Albertans' Responsibilities to Preserve and Protect Their Own Health"

Calgary, Alberta
February 25 - 27th, 1999

Group A

We recommend that Albertans have the following responsibilities to preserve and protect their own health:

  1. Regular checkups
  2. Education
  3. Healthy living
  4. Lifestyle choices
  5. Follow MD instructions
  6. Proper diet
  7. Learn about resources
  8. Become more aware of spirit/mind/body and the balance
  9. Immunization of children
  10. Develop community connections
  11. Family planning
  12. Support measures to prevent injury e.g. speed controls (radar), gun control, VLT removal, chemical, environment pollution, IV drug addicts, all public policy initiatives
  13. Avoid abuse of system i.e. Unnecessary MD v

We recommend that Albertans be assisted in meeting those responsibilities by:

  1. Promote wellness - eg. revive "high profile" programs such as Participation
  2. This promotes public confidence
  3. Proactive approach to health & wellness
  4. Wholistic approach to health
  5. Recognize links to social services/education / labour systems
  6. Educate life-long pursuits- start in school systems - early age
  7. Changes in work place regulations (Occ. Health and Safety) -includes monitoring regulations - Use of breaks in workplace to combat absenteeism
  8. Focus on resiliency supports e.g. "healthy families" models
  9. Info for Albertans to make informed decisions
  10. Increase awareness of health dangers (e.g. smoking, drugs ) amongst students
  11. Cleaner air - emission standards be strengthened
  12. Better food controls e.g. pesticides
  13. Accountability /Self-responsibility- "own your choices"
  14. "Selective" rationing or user fees where there is obvious risk taking, abuse of the health system
  15. Why should health insurance be different than auto, life insurance?
  16. Market place concept - people can "shop" for services with their quota of health care $
  17. Place quality of life issues more in the "public eye"
  18. Full disclosure on chemicals in foods and the environment - industry is currently policing itself and this is not adequate

Group B

We recommend that Albertans have the following responsibilities to preserve and protect their own health:

Overall Statements:

We have a shared responsibility for Albertans health.
To support and empower people within their ability to make choices.
For government to take responsibility on developing regulations around safety issues.

Individual responsibilities:

  1. Be encouraged to be as healthy as possible.
  2. Be encouraged to take control of your health.
  3. For parents to encourage children to make healthy lifestyle choices.
  4. Be aware of how your behaviors can affect other health and act in a beneficial fashion.
  5. To speak out when government, employees and decision making bodies to fail to provide safe working environments.
  6. Use the health system in reasonable manner.
  7. Provide full information to health professionals so they can provide the best diagnostics and treatment.
  8. Learn what services are available and how they should be used.
  9. Take preventative steps.
  10. Follow instructions for diagnostic tests and treatments.
  11. Register with Alberta Health Care Insurance Plan and pay premiums where applicable.

We recommend that Albertans be assisted in meeting those responsibilities by:

  1. Actively pursue those health care interventions that have been identified as promoting individual's health.
  2. Ensure children have proper lunches at school. And ensure families have the capacity to provide adequately for their children.
  3. Legislate against risk taking behaviors, especially with children.
  4. Support and empower people with a mental illness, disabilities and seniors.
  5. Providing funding for health promoting initiatives from a central authority. (province)
  6. Government to continue with campaigns promoting health.
  7. Improve access to persons with disabilities.
  8. Health needs to collaboration with other systems (Education) for mandatory education.
  9. Increase affordable housing for vulnerable populations.
  10. Infasturture needs to be improved to prevent accidents.
  11. Make the general public aware of all the programs and services that are available for them to access.
  12. Awareness of problems caused by diet and lifestyle on health and wellness and to be aware of programs for assistance.
  13. Making responsibilities apparent with a comprehensive education program particularly for the young and vulnerable.
  14. Transportation accessibility to seniors and people with disabilities.
  15. Respite programs be provided.

Group C

No time to explore this question

Group D

We recommend that Albertans have the following responsibilities to preserve and protect their own health:

  1. To comply with agreed-to treatment regimes
  2. Albertans have a shared responsibility to preserve and protect their health as a partnership with individual/gov't (policies) Health Care System and with education
  3. To keep informed about potential health risks to themselves and others
  4. Create a climate where Physicians should be encouraged/enabled to do health promotion/education (all providers)
  5. Providers and consumers Be straightforward/honest with health provider and consumer
  6. Change health risk habits when possible
  7. Non-pumitive approach as some don't have opportunity or will or means to achieve health
  8. Within limits of our individual health potential to be responsible
  9. Continue to improve with injury prevention

We recommend that Albertans be assisted in meeting those responsibilities by:

  1. To advocate for control of environmental pollution
  2. Making environmental polluters accountable ( fines)
  3. Adopt a holistic approach to understand alternative forms of medicine and an Attitude/spirituality/positive outlook
  4. Government, private sector, Health groups should develop and make accessible education and treatment programs to change health risky habits
  5. That we support social programs for vulnerable populations
  6. To provide adequate facilities so that they may change their lifestyles (ie) AADAC treatment centres
  7. citizens to ensure that RHA's and gov't develop policies that support the health of the population
  8. Should share info. Identify barriers to taking responsibility/id enablers/encourage active participation

Group E

We recommend that Albertans have the following responsibilities to preserve and protect their own health:

  1. Whose problem is this anyway?
  2. Individual responsible to inform herself regarding health strategies to preserve it
  3. Positive duty to share responsibilities with caregivers
  4. Knowledge-based & work together
  5. Good education (start young)
  6. To vote responsibly for representatives that understand that most of the decisions regarding economics/development etc. have an impact on an individuals & communities ability to maintain health
  7. Positive interventions to reduce stress on individuals and families
  8. Talk About Health at 1. Home (dinner table) 2. School 3. Community - look at it. Is it safe for healthy people?
  9. Active involvement in building community spirit, not bricks
  10. Prevention - diet, lifestyle choices, safety issues (sports helmets)
  11. What does responsible mean? - individual - family
  12. Does this mean individual pays for source if responsible?
  13. Following prescribed treatment eg. complete course of antibiotics
  14. Using health care system appropriately
  15. Educating yourself about treatment, options, to be informed
  16. Exercise
  17. Initiatives and decisions at the community levels - prevention - intervention -promotion/health
  18. Lifestyle (exercise)
  19. Education - public awareness
  20. Family
  21. Immunization
  22. Stricter legislation regarding smoking and alcohol abuse
  23. Viagra
  24. Proper nutrition
  25. Knowledge of healthy lifestyles
  26. Access to proper medical attention
  27. Preventative measures e.g. physical exam - age appropriate
  28. Injury prevention
  29. Substance Abuse
  30. Financial Disincentives -if you smoke - if you do not use seat belts
  31. Better media coverage of positive lifestyles
  32. Emphasize knowledge verses education
  33. Regulation approaches
  34. Sue tobacco companies
  35. Compliance eg. prescription use
  36. Stiffer penalties on drug importers
  37. Life is too serious to be taken seriously
  38. Easier said than done
  39. Good negative examples ie: McDonalds - fat, Budweiser - booze, Marlbourgh Man - smoking

We recommend that Albertans be assisted in meeting those responsibilities by:

  1. Public Education -effective marketing (more than just a pamphlet)
  2. At all levels of Govt.
  3. Gov't. regulation of the quality of food - better labeling
  4. Gov't. regulation of packaging and pollutants
  5. Should be easy to make healthy choices
  6. Expand toxicology research, genetics
  7. Reduce poverty levels, tobacco use, alcohol use
  8. Focus on Injury prevention
  9. If you are going to introduce something new, prove it is safe to our personal and community health
  10. Ie: cell phones
  11. Encourage people too choose a family doctor
  12. Improve attitude/awareness towards mental health

Group F

We recommend that Albertans be assisted in meeting those responsibilities by:

  1. The group felt the last comment in the conclusion from Dr. Millar's presentation summarized any recommendations that the group could come up with on their own.
  2. "The preservation and protection of health is clearly a shared responsibility. It will be through intersectoral collaboration involving individuals working in their communities with various levels of government and other sectors that the health of Albertans will be improved

Group G

We recommend that Albertans have the following responsibilities to preserve and protect their own health:

Individual responsibilities

  1. We recognize individuals have a responsibility for preserving and protecting their own health
  2. That Albertans have a shared responsibility for those factors they can impact/influence
  3. A health bonus that rewards positive action on behalf of the individual (some people found it very offensive and some people found it a positive initiate )
  4. That the public educate themselves
  5. That Albertans educate themselves on how to use the system
  6. That Albertans abide by current laws to avoid injury
  7. That we work to eliminate poverty
  8. That Albertans be encouraged to implement healthy life styles
  9. That Albertans be responsible to follow through on treatment
  10. That Albertans take more responsibility over what happens to them in the health care system. EG personal directives informed consent

Systems responsibilities

  1. That education must happen at every opportunity tailored to meet the needs of different groups (IE Fatalists, traditionalists, vulnerable, naturalists) to assist Albertans to preserve and protect their own health
  2. That the government enact more legislation supporting healthy public policy
  3. The development of health information system
  4. That there be a single point of contact for health information and coordination of services
  5. That the government assist individual Albertans by providing more early intervention programs throughout the province.
  6. Alternative practices be supported
  7. That more patient advocates be provided

Group H

We recommend that Albertans have the following responsibilities to preserve and protect their own health:

  1. Regular check-ups
  2. Healthy lifestyle - diet, exercise, responsible choices
  3. Be informed
  4. Immunization
  5. Home safety - minimize risks
  6. Positive attitude - "Don't worry, be happy!"
  7. Prudent decision in participation in hazardous activities
  8. Quit abusing the system - physicians, politicians and consumers
  9. Keep own ongoing record of health use
  10. Awareness of what it costs to use health care system
  11. Be involved and learn about and protect the health system
  12. Federal/provincial incentive programs to care for elderly within the extended family
  13. Promote wellness in our committees

Group I

We recommend that Albertans have the following responsibilities to preserve and protect their own health:

  1. Legislation - health and public policy.
  2. Follow/comply with laws.
  3. Basic needs of shelter, food, adequate income, health and education.
  4. Shared responsibilities with family, employer, govts., education system, health care, prof. Assoc.
  5. Also community.
  6. Learn preventative health measures.
  7. Individual and family responsibility within capacity.
  8. Active role in decision-making in health issues.
  9. Take care of mental health. Ie. Stress
  10. Follow Dr.s. orders (prescriptions)
  11. Awareness of services and how to use them.
  12. Ask questions.
  13. Let decision-makers (govt.) know what we like/don't like about the system.
  14. Active participation in your own care.
  15. Learn about living healthier.
  16. Support health care system.
  17. Balance health education/prevention with intervention.
  18. "Partner" with medical community.

We recommend that Albertans be assisted in meeting those responsibilities by:

  1. Provide health care advocate to those who need them.
  2. Public education through all channels.
  3. Effective health promotion, physical and disease prevention, and health protection.
  4. Accept responsibility to make sure message is heard and received by individuals where they are. (literacy, cultural)
  5. Multiple approaches at appropriate age (early) in communications.
  6. Integrate message delivery with education system.
  7. Responsible journalism/media; recognition of media influence.
  8. Be responsive to public input; be open to it as well.
  9. Provide incentives to encourage healthy living (i.e. tax incentives).
  10. Prohibit unhealthy activities.
  11. Move sin tax dollars into treatment dollar pot.
  12. Encourage (more) healthy policy (i.e. seatbelts, screening, etc.)
  13. Cooperation/collaboration with Alternative Medicine
  14. Provide easy access to information when needed.
  15. Prescription dollars.
  16. Financial support to remove barriers to incorporate healthy activities.

Group J

We recommend that Albertans have the following responsibilities to preserve and protect their own health:

  1. Education
  2. Prevention programs
  3. Follow government guidelines, legislation, eg. seatbelts mandates for helmets workplace safety, defensive driving)
  4. Sexual regularity should be regulated
  5. Screening, immunization, and regular checkups
  6. Question doctors and other health professionals
  7. Careful consumers
  8. Pre-natal care
  9. School meals, nutrition
  10. Peer group (young teaching young)

We recommend that Albertans be assisted in meeting those responsibilities by:

  1. Children's education programs
  2. Identify high risk groups & target programs
  3. Social support programs
  4. Access to medical data bases (internet)
  5. Enforcing legislation
  6. New legislation
  7. Mobile facilities available to assist (mammogram in the community)
  8. Education programs at community level
  9. Coordination of appropriate levels provincial, municipal, and federal government

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