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Health Innovation Fund
Established in 1999, the Health Innovation Fund has funded 48 diverse and innovative projects to encourage regional health authorities and other health care providers to seek new and innovative ways to provide health services to Albertans.  A total of $32 million is committed to projects over the 2000-2004 period.

Most projects were three years in duration, ending in summer 2003 and summer 2004.  Each project was independently evaluated to determine what improvements could be made to Alberta’s health system.

Capturing the learning from individual projects, and leveraging this learning to foster change and improvement at the health system level, are keys to the success of the Health Innovation Fund initiative.

Each HIF was independently evaluated, and evaluation findings help to assess the degree of achievement of one of three primary outcomes identified for each project:

Outcome 1

The Health Innovation Fund will demonstrate or test a new approach to health service delivery that will result in improving quality, access, affordability and integration of services.

Outcome 2

The Health Innovation Fund initiatives will have a measurable impact on the health system provincially, regionally, or on the health of Albertans.

Outcome 3

The Health Innovation Fund will produce innovation projects that can be replicated by others and will generate learning that can be applied elsewhere in the province.  Experience and knowledge gained through evaluation of these projects will assist in planning by health authorities and at the provincial level.

Project Independent Evaluations and Team Reports

Evaluation was coordinated by the Evaluation Coordination Support Team, which was supported by Howard Research and Instructional Systems.  The following link provides the Alberta Health Innovation Fund Independent Evaluation Report volumes as well as all HIF Project synopsis as prepared by Howard Research and Instructional Systems.

Evaluation and Coordination Support Team HIF Evaluation Documents

For more information on any of these Health Innovation Fund projects contact:

Darlene Kreutzer
Project Coordinator, Primary Care Unit
Alberta Health and Wellness
Phone: (780) 415-1376


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