News Release

February 23, 2006

Government responds to continuing care report

New health service and accommodation standards to be introduced this year

Edmonton... The Alberta government has accepted the Achieving Excellence in Continuing Care report in principle and announced its first strategies to begin responding to the report's recommendations. Some of the most urgent concerns are being responded to immediately by funding more care hours and expanding benefits for low-income Albertans in supportive living and long-term care.

"The task force brought forward many health-related recommendations, with particular emphasis on staffing and safety. I think the steps we are taking here go a long way to improving the quality of care for residents," said Iris Evans, Minister of Health and Wellness.

"The changes will make a difference to many Albertans in continuing care," said Yvonne Fritz, Minister of Seniors and Community Supports. "Bridging the current gap in assistance will help more Albertans to live in the most appropriate setting for their needs, whether it's a lodge, supportive living, or long-term care facility."

The two ministries have committed over $36 million in new funding for this budget year to respond to the most pressing recommendations. Alberta Health and Wellness will use $26.3 million to:

Alberta Seniors and Community Supports will use $10 million to:

The task force also recommended that new and updated health service and accommodation standards be put in place for all continuing care facilities, including lodges, supportive living and long-term care. The standards will be implemented this year, as will be new monitoring, reporting, enforcement and concerns resolution processes, which were also recommended in the report.

The report's recommendations will be further addressed in the coming fiscal year.

The Achieving Excellence in Continuing Care report was developed by the task force through extensive consultation with Albertans and their families, including forums with residents, caregivers, medical professionals, facility operators, advocacy groups and industry stakeholders.

The report is available at along with summaries of the stakeholder meetings and background documents, including the draft Continuing Care Health Service and Accommodation Standards.

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Attachment: Details on continuing care improvements

Media enquiries may be directed to:

Sean Beardow
Alberta Health and Wellness
(780) 427-7164

Jason Chance
Alberta Seniors and Community Supports
(780) 415-9950

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.


February 23, 2006

Details on continuing care improvements

Alberta Health and Wellness - $26.3 million:

Alberta Seniors and Community Supports - $10 million:

Media enquiries may be directed to:

Sean Beardow
Alberta Health and Wellness
(780) 427-7164

Jason Chance
Alberta Seniors and Community Supports
(780) 415-9950

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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