News Release

April 26, 2006

Government releases AON health benefit design options report

Study reveals concerns about the sustainability of the health care system

Edmonton... The Government of Alberta has released the Health Benefit Design Options Report prepared by Aon Consulting and will use it as a reference document only.

Aon Consulting was contracted on Oct. 31, 2005 to review Alberta's health care system and examine alternative ways to fund health services. The first known report of its kind in Canada, the study projects health costs to 2050.

"The Aon report shows us that health system sustainability is a very significant issue," says Health and Wellness Minister Iris Evans. "The analysis of insurance-based funding models provide important information on funding alternatives for government to consider in the future. There are no plans to adopt any of these models at this time. We will study them closely to see what valuable lessons can be learned."

The company conducted economic and actuarial analyses and developed conceptual insurance options in four areas: prescription drugs, continuing care, non-emergency health services and supplemental health services and products. There were several key findings in the report, one of which is that regardless of what type of funding model is used, costs of health services in these four areas are rising at unsustainable rates. The report also found that insurance may only be part of the sustainability solution, as any new funding model must be accompanied by strong cost control measures.

The report shows that:

The Aon report and its executive summary are located at

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Attachments: Health Benefit Design Options Report, Report Backgrounder, Aon Backgrounder

Media enquiries may be directed to:
Mark Kastner, Communications, Alberta Health and Wellness
(780) 974-4658
To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.


April 26, 2006

Health Benefit Design Options Report


Key Findings

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Media enquiries may be directed to:
Mark Kastner, Communications, Alberta Health and Wellness
(780) 974-4658
To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000.

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