News Release

August 14, 2006

First 2006 human cases of West Nile virus found in Alberta

Edmonton...West Nile infection has been reported in two people; one in Palliser Health Region and another in Chinook Health. They were confirmed positive by the Alberta Provincial Laboratory for Public Health.

Both cases are in adult females and have symptoms of West Nile non-neurological syndrome, also called West Nile fever. In addition, an asymptomatic case has been detected in Chinook Health through Canadian Blood Services donor screening. This case is waiting for laboratory confirmation.

"The Culex mosquitoes that carry the West Nile virus are at the peak of their activity right now," said Dr. Karen Grimsrud, Deputy Provincial Health Officer. "It is important for people to take precautions to reduce their risk of being bitten. Use a repellent containing DEET, and wear clothing that covers arms and legs, including socks, especially at dawn and dusk when mosquitoes are most active."

Although the risk of serious illness is low, the effects of infection can be severe and long-lasting in a small number of those infected. Most people who contract West Nile show no symptoms at all and the virus runs its course. Fifteen to 20 per cent of cases suffer flu-like symptoms: fever, sore muscles and fatigue. In less than one per cent of cases, victims experience severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, weakness, numbness and paralysis. The risk of serious illness increases with age, particularly over the age of 50.

Since 2003, including these cases, Palliser Health Region has recorded 138 cases of West Nile infection while Chinook Health has had 40 cases.

Detailed information on West Nile virus and how to protect yourself and your family is available at or Albertans can also call Health Link Alberta - in Edmonton, call 408-LINK (5465); in Calgary, call 943-LINK (5465); or, outside of the Edmonton and Calgary local calling areas, call toll-free 1-866-408-LINK (5465).

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Dr. Karen Grimsrud, Deputy Provincial Health Officer
Alberta Health and Wellness, (780) 415-2797

To call toll-free within Alberta dial 310-0000

Marilyn Wakaruk, Communications
Alberta Health and Wellness, (780) 427-7164

For information related to Palliser Health Region:
Dr. Paul Schnee, Medical Officer of Health
(403) 502-8208


Sheri Wright, Communications
(403) 502-8619

For information related to Chinook Health:
Anne Babineau, Communications
(403) 388-6603


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