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Alberta Legislation Proclamations
Proclamations are listed alphabetically with new proclamations added as they are received. View related Orders-in-Council.

Alberta Investment Management Corporation Act (SA 2007 cA-26.5). Proclaimed in force January 1, 2008. Amends Financial Administration Act (RSA 2000 cF-12) and Government Organization Act (RSA 2000 cG-10).

Alberta Utilities Commission Act (SA 2007 cA-37.2). Proclaimed in force January 1, 2008. Amends Ambulance Services Act (RSA 2000 cA-39), City Transportation Act (RSA 2000 cC-14), Conflicts of Interest Act (RSA 2000 cC-23), Electric Utilities Act (SA 2003 cE-5.1), Energy Resources Conservation Act (RSA 2000 cE-10), Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (RSA 2000 cE-12), Fair Trading Act (RSA 2000 cF-2), Financial Administration Act (RSA 2000 cF-12), Financial Administration Amendment Act, 2004 (SA 2004 c7), Gas Distribution Act (RSA 2000 cG-3), Gas Distribution Amendment Act (RSA 2000 c13 (Supp)), Gas Utilities Act (RSA 2000 cG-5), Government Organization Act (RSA 2000 cG-10), Hydro and Electric Energy Act (RSA 2000 cH-16), Irrigation Districts Act (RSA 2000 cI-11), Mines and Minerals Act (RSA 2000 cM-17), Municipal Government Act (RSA 2000 cM-26), Natural Gas Marketing Act (RSA 2000 cN-1), Natural Gas Rebates Act (RSA 2000 cN-2), Oil and Gas Conservation Act (RSA 2000 cO-6), Petroleum Marketing Act (RSA 2000 cP-10), Pipeline Act (RSA 2000 cP-15), Post-secondary Learning Act (SA 2003 cP-19.5), Public Highways Development Act (RSA 2000 cP-38), Public Utilities Board Act (RSA 2000 cP-45), Rural Electrification Loan Act (RSA 2000 cR-19), Rural Electrification Long-term Financing Act (RSA 2000 cR-20), Small Power Research and Development Act (RSA 2000 cS-9), Surface Rights Act (RSA 2000 cS-24), Turner Valley Unit Operations Act (RSA 2000 cT-9), Water Act (RSA 2000 cW-3), Water, Gas and Electric Companies Act (RSA 2000 cW-4). Repeals Alberta Energy and Utilities Board Act (RSA 2000 cA-17).

Conflicts of Interest Amendment Act, 2007 (SA 2007 c28). Proclaimed in force April 1, 2008. Amends Conflicts of Interest Act (RSA 2000 cC-23) and Public Service Act (RSA 2000 cP-42).

Corporate Tax Statutes Amendment Act, 2005 (SA 2005 c25). Sections 9(a) and 10 proclaimed in force September 1, 2007. Amends Alberta Corporate Tax Act (RSA 2000 cA-15).

Corrections Amendment Act, 2007 (SA 2007 c29). Proclaimed in force March 31, 2008. Amends Corrections Act (RSA 2000 cC-29).

Farm Implement Amendment Act, 2007 (SA 2007 c14). Proclaimed in force October 3, 2007. Amends Farm Implement Act (RSA 2000 cF-7).

Financial Administration Amendment Act, 2004 (SA 2004 c7). Sections 8, 11, 12, 15, 17 and 19 proclaimed in force October 31, 2007. Amends Financial Administration Act (RSA 2000 cF-12), Alberta Foundation for the Arts Act (RSA 2000 cA-19), Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research Act (RSA 2000 cA-21), Alberta Heritage Foundation for Science and Engineering Research Act (RSA 2000 cA-22), Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund Act (RSA 2000 cA-23), Alberta Heritage Scholarship Act (RSA 2000 cA-24), Alberta Housing Act (RSA 2000 cA-25), Alberta Sport, Recreation, Parks and Wildlife Foundation Act (RSA 2000 cA-34), Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (RSA 2000 cE-12), Historical Resources Act (RSA 2000 cH-9), Human Rights, Citizenship and Multiculturalism Act (RSA 2000 cH-14), Livestock and Livestock Products Act (RSA 2000 cL-18), Natural Gas Rebates Act (RSA 2000 cN-2), Pension Fund Act (RSA 2000 cP-4), Public Utilities Board Act (RSA 2000 cP-45), Securities Act (RSA 2000 cS-4), Victims of Crime Act (RSA 2000 cV-3).

Income and Employment Supports Act (SA 2003 cI-0.5). Sections 52 and 55 proclaimed in force April 1, 2014. Amends Alberta Health Care Insurance Act (RSA 2000 cA-20) and Health Insurance Premiums Act (RSA 2000 cH-6).

Section 54(2)(c) proclaimed in force on April 1, 2015. Amends Conflicts of Interest Act (RSA 2000 cC-23).

Section 60(1)(4) proclaimed in force March 31, 2014. Repeals Widow’s Pension Act (RSA 2000 cW-7).

Libraries Amendment Act, 2006 (SA 2006 c6). Proclaimed in force October 4, 2007. Amends Libraries Act (RSA 2000 cL-22) and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (RSA 2000 cF-25).

Mandatory Testing and Disclosure Act (SA 2006 cM-3.5). Proclaimed in force October 1, 2007. Repeals Blood Samples Act (SA 2004 cB-4.5).

Police Amendment Act, 2007 (SA 2007 c6). Sections 1 to 5 proclaimed in force August 31, 2007. Amends Police Act (RSA 2000 cP-17).

Protection of Children Involved in Prostitution Amendment Act, 2007 (SA 2007 c8). Proclaimed in force October 1, 2007. Amends Protection of Children Involved in Prostitution Act (RSA 2000 cP-28) and Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act (RSA 2000 cC-12).

Securities Amendment Act, 2006 (SA 2006 c30). Sections 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 47 and 49(b) proclaimed in force February 1, 2008. Amends Securities Act (RSA 2000 cS-4).

Sections 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 46 and 51 proclaimed in force March 17, 2008. Amends Securities Act (RSA 2000 cS-4).

Smoke-free Places (Tobacco Reduction) Amendment Act, 2007 (SA 2007 c40). Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 proclaimed in force January 1, 2008. Section 6 to the extent that it adds sections 7.1 and 7.2 in force July 1, 2008. Section 6 to the extent that it adds s7.3 in force on January 1, 2009. Amends Tobacco Reduction Act (2005 cT-3.8).

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