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Award-Winning Author Speaking at the 2007 Horse Breeders and Owners Conference

  From the Nov 27, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 184K  
 The organizing committee of the annual Horse Breeders and Owners Conference (HBOC) is pleased to include Cherry Hill on the 2007 agenda. Hill is an award-winning author of more than 30 books and videos, and over 1000 articles on horse training and care. A horse show judge for several national breed organizations for 25 years, Hill also taught college equine courses from 1975 to 1985 in the U.S. and Canada, including Olds College. She has instructed courses in horse behaviour, ground training, mounted training, Western horsemanship, English equitation, riding instructor training, equine evaluation, stable management and equine production.

“Hill has been a free-lance equine photo-journalist since 1975, and has written for such publications as Horse & Rider, Quarter Horse Journal, Chronicle of the Horse, American Farrier’s Journal, Horse Journal, Western Horseman, and over 20 other national equine publications,” says Les Burwash, manager of horse programs with

Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development and member of the Alberta Horse Breeders and Owners Conference organizing committee, Airdrie. “Her subject, Better Horsekeeping, promises to be informative and entertaining, and is sure to engage those who attend her presentation.”

Hill received the Colorado Authors’ League Top Hand Award twice, in 1995 for 101 Arena Exercises and in 1999 for 101 Horsemanship and Equitation Patterns. The Top Hand Award is one of the most distinguished writing awards with competition from fiction and non-fiction books on any topic. She was also the recipient of the 1992 American Horse Publications first place award for editorial excellence in the category Service to the Reader for a series she wrote on liability in the equine industry.

In 2002, Hill was the recipient of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Henry Bergh Children’s Book Honour in the Non-Fiction Companion Animal Category for her book Cherry Hill’s Horse Care for Kids. The book was selected for its outstanding ability to teach young readers a new way to care for animals and the natural resources that we all share.

Hill is one of the 17 internationally recognized speakers who will make presentations at the 2007 HBOC. Albertans who breed or own horses, work in the equine industry in some capacity, or are simply horse enthusiasts, won’t want to miss the 25th anniversary Horse Breeders and Owners Conference.

The conference, organized by the Horse Industry Association of Alberta and the horse industry section of Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, is being held in Red Deer on January 12 to 14, 2007.

Conference pre-registration is $85 per person and cost for additional individuals registered at the same time from the same farm is $60. Registration at the door is $85 per person and no farm discounts will be available.

For more information about the 2007 conference, contact Teresa van Bryce, manager, Horse Industry Association of Alberta, (403) 948-8521 or Les Burwash (403) 948-8538. Information is also available on the association’s website or by calling the Horse Industry Association of Alberta at (403) 948-8521.

Les Burwash (403) 948-8538
Teresa van Bryce (403) 948-8521


Other Articles From the Nov 27, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Alberta Veterinary Surveillance Network Takes "Snapshots" of Livestock Health
Award-Winning Author Speaking at the 2007 Horse Breeders and Owners Conference - Current Document
Rural Alberta's Development Fund -- Open for Business
Learning the 'Keys' of Being a Key Leader
New AOPA Factsheets
New Feature on AGC's Internet Price Page
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Les Burwash.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on November 22, 2006.

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