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Farm Safety Week

  Farm Safety Kids Club Winter 2006Farm Safety Kids Club Home          Download pdf - 1961K  
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Hey Kids,

Get ready to Mark your calendars—March 8-14, 2006 is FARM SAFETY WEEK!! This is a special week designated to farmers all across Canada encouraging them to think about safety on their farm. Want to know how you can get involved? Hmmm—here are some ideas:
  • Show and tell! Tell your class at school that it is farm safety week. Explain why safety is important to your family. Give some examples of how you make things safe.
  • Put on a play! Gather your brothers and sisters, create and act out a play for your parents about farm safety.
  • Complete the emergency numbers sheet! Hang it near the phone so you will always be ready in case of an emergency.
  • Write a story! Create an adventurous story about farm safety and read it to your family.
  • Draw a poster! When you are finished you can put it on the fridge for all to see.
  • Call your local radio station! Ask them to remind others to be careful on the farm.

Other Articles Farm Safety Kids Club Winter 2006

  Farm Safety Week - Current Document
Farm Animals and You
The Corral is No Play Pen
Playing Safe on the Farm
Safety Around Construction
Tractor Safety
Pond and Dugout Safety
Farm Safety Websites
Contact Information
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Raelyn Peterson.
This information published to the web on November 4, 2006.

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