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Business Plan 2004-07
March 24, 2004

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This Business Plan for the three years commencing April 1, 2004 was prepared under my direction in accordance with the Government Accountability Act and the government’s accounting policies. All of the government’s policy decisions as at February 27, 2004 with material economic or fiscal implications of which I am aware have been considered in preparing the Business Plan.

The Ministry’s priorities outlined in the Business Plan were developed in the context of the government’s business and fiscal plans. I am committed to achieving the planned results laid out in this Business Plan.

[original signed]

Patricia L. Nelson, Minister of Finance
March 4, 2004

The ministry

The Ministry of Finance includes the Department of Finance, Alberta Capital Finance Authority, Alberta Pensions Administration Corporation, ATB Financial, Alberta Insurance Council, Credit Union Deposit Guarantee Corporation and their subsidiaries. The Ministry of Finance also includes the activities of a number of companies in wind-up.

The Department of Finance has four main areas: Office of Budget and Management; Pensions, Insurance and Financial Institutions; Treasury Management; and Corporate Support.

The Finance Business Plan incorporates all the entities reporting to the Minister into an integrated strategic plan that focuses on the key priorities for the Ministry. The following plan does not include the day-to-day activities of the Ministry.

link to the government strategic business plan

This plan supports the 3-Year Government of Alberta (GOA) Business Plan to have a prosperous economy (Goal 7), which is aligned with the 20-Year Government of Alberta Strategic Business Plan of competing in a global marketplace (Opportunity 3). The Finance plan provides support by keeping taxes competitive and the regulatory system effective.

The plan also supports the 3-Year GOA Business Plan of having a financially stable, open and accountable government (Goal 8). This is aligned with the 20-Year Strategic Plan of making Alberta the best place to live, work and visit (Opportunity 4). Support is provided through the ministry's efforts to smooth out fluctuations in resource revenue, eliminate debt on schedule, keep spending affordable, ensure future sustainability of revenue to meet needs, monitor performance and assist with capital planning and financing for infrastructure.

Finally, the Ministry Plan supports the 3-Year GOA Business Plan to have an effective, responsive and well-managed local government (Goal 6), which is aligned with the 20-Year Strategic Plan to make Alberta the best place to live, work and visit (Opportunity 4). The ministry provides support through the Alberta Capital Finance Authority.


A province that is innovative and globally competitive with a fiscally sustainable and accountable government.


Develop and implement the government's fiscal framework and financial policies.


Core Business 1: Fiscal Planning and Financial Management

Goal 1 - A financially strong, sustainable and accountable government
Goal 2 - A fair and competitive provincial tax system
Goal 3 - Effective management of financial assets, liabilities and risk

Core Business 2: Regulation of Provincial Financial Institutions

Goal 4 - Reliable and competitive financial and insurance products and services

Core Business 3: Pensions Policy, Regulation and Administration

Goal 5 - Pensions that deliver on promises

Core Business 4: Financial Services

Goal 6 - Quality and competitive financial services accessible to Albertans and local authorities


Maintaining a strong and sustainable financial position poses challenges. Changing world economic conditions, exchange rates and energy prices impact Alberta's economy and fiscal plan. The decline of high royalty rate conventional energy revenues is an issue that is being addressed. Disasters and emergencies, such as BSE and severe weather conditions, are unpredictable events that can have budget consequences. Volatile capital markets can affect pension plans and endowment funds like the Alberta Heritage Savings Trust Fund, especially if markets are weak for extended periods. The Sustainability Fund will help manage risks from energy and other revenues, as well as disasters and emergencies. An aging population and early retirements will also impact pension plans. Recognizing pressures on pension plans will enable stakeholders to work together to review pension plan governance and establish stabilizing strategies.


Through the Ministry’s review of external and internal challenges, the strategic priorities described below have been identified. These are in addition to the important ongoing core activities of the Ministry.

1. Maintaining Alberta's Fiscal Framework

Linkage: Goal 1

The government's new fiscal framework is designed to provide predictability, sustainability and continued discipline to prepare Alberta for the challenges that lie ahead, while maintaining a competitive tax environment. Finance will work with other ministries to maintain a balanced approach in fiscal planning. In addition, Finance will implement the accepted Financial Management Commission (FMC) recommendations, including the risk analysis, three-year capital plans, alternative mechanisms for capital project financing, capitalization and amortization of assets, and continued refinements to the government reporting entity. 
2. Public-Private Partnerships (P3s)

Linkage: Goals 1 and 3

Public-private partnerships (P3s) have been identified as one option to deliver capital projects, where appropriate. Finance provides financial expertise to other ministries on financing government and government-funded capital projects, ranging from construction to information technology. Finance also determines the appropriate accounting treatment and the impact on the Province's financial position and fiscal plan. Finance will assess the costs and risks of alternate financing vehicles, including P3s, and make recommendations to mitigate provincial financial risk and achieve optimal value for money.
3. Enterprise-Wide Risk Management

Linkage: Goal 3

The Alberta government faces risks from a variety of sources. The concept of enterprise risk management is to identify the sources of risk to all major components of the Province's revenues and expenses and to use the collective strength of the enterprise to manage those risks with a comprehensive cost-effective strategy. In cooperation with other departments, Finance will develop an enterprise risk management framework and provide recommendations for government consideration.
4. Automobile Insurance

Linkage: Goal 4

The Government is committed to ensuring Albertans have access to affordable automobile insurance. Finance will work to implement recommendations from the government's review of automobile insurance, including issues respecting automobile injury claims and related premium increases.
5. Public Pension Plans Governance

Linkage: Goal 5

Finance, in consultation with public sector boards and stakeholders, will review current governance arrangements for public pension plans (in the context of recent proposals for independence) with the objective of making recommendations to improve accountability to plan members and taxpayers.


CORE BUSINESS ONE: Fiscal Planning and Financial Management

GOAL 1:  A Financially Strong, Sustainable and Accountable Government

What it means

Maintaining Alberta's strong financial position means keeping the budget balanced and sustainable. Strategic fiscal planning and prudent economic forecasting are required to meet today's priorities and sustain essential programs and services over the longer term. The Alberta Sustainability Fund has been established to cushion ongoing operating spending plans from volatile energy revenues and the costs of emergencies and disasters. The new Fiscal Framework includes a three-year capital plan, with some funding of capital from the capital account and alternative financing arrangements. The government will continue to balance the budget every year in accordance with the fiscal framework and to reduce the province's existing debt as scheduled. The government will also continue to fulfill its legislated commitment to be accountable to Albertans by publishing three-year consolidated fiscal plans, quarterly fiscal updates and annual performance reports, including audited financial statements, as required by the Government Accountability Act.

In executing its leadership role for these initiatives, Finance will continue to assess the economic impact associated with issues of concern to Albertans, including the implementation of the Climate Change Strategy. The department will also take an active role in strategic corporate approaches to information technology investment, governance and accountability.


  • Assess the financial costs and risks to the government of proposed P3s and make recommendations to reduce provincial financial risk and optimize value for money.
  • Continue overseeing cross-government implementation of the accepted Financial Management Commission (FMC) recommendations. Finance will concentrate on supporting further development of the capital plan. In response to the Public Sector Accounting Board's recommendations, Finance will also work with other ministries to determine what entities should be consolidated in the government's reporting entity, with planned implementation for fiscal years beginning with Budget 2006 at the earliest.
  • Continue to repay accumulated debt in accordance with the legislated plan.

Performance Measures

GOAL 2:  A fair and competitive provincial tax system

What it means

Government policy is a low rate, broad base policy approach to promote efficiency of the tax system. Taxes are necessary to provide the revenue that government needs to fund programs and services. The tax system must be fair and promote self-reliance. Our taxes must also be competitive with those in other provinces and countries with which Alberta competes, in order to attract the investment, jobs and skilled workers necessary to keep our economy performing well. Alberta has a low single rate income tax, the lowest tax on gasoline in the country and no general payroll tax. Alberta is the only province without a capital tax or a general retail sales tax.

Finance continues to work with the federal government, other provinces and territories to promote effective tax systems and collection arrangements.


  • As affordable, complete implementation of the Business Tax Plan to reduce the general corporate income tax rate from 11.5% to 8%.

Performance Measures

Goal 3:  Effective management of financial assets, liabilities and risk

What it means

Finance through the Treasury Management Division has responsibility for the province's ongoing cash management including short-term borrowing and investing, management of banking arrangements and cash forecasting as well as arranging short and long-term financing for the government and provincial corporations. Through prudent management of liabilities and assets, the Ministry endeavors to minimize financing costs and maximize investment returns.

The Ministry has assumed a leadership role in developing an enterprise risk management framework so that the Alberta Government can effectively manage the day-to-day financial challenges.


  • Effective investment policies are in place to ensure optimal return.
  • Develop an enterprise-wide risk management framework for government decisions.
  • Invest the Sustainability Fund in high quality fixed income assets.

Performance Measures


CORE BUSINESS TWO: Regulation of Provincial Financial Institutions

Goal 4:  Reliable and competitive financial and insurance products and services

What it means

Financial service providers are responsible for ensuring that Albertans receive the services they have purchased. Finance regulates the credit union, insurance, loan and trust industries in Alberta, in the interests of depositors, insurance policy holders, insurance intermediaries, trust beneficiaries and the companies themselves.

Finance is working with the automobile insurance industry to implement recommendations from the government's review of automobile insurance, including issues respecting automobile injury claims and related premium increases. In addition, Finance will monitor issues that face the insurance industry and consumers with respect to general property and liability insurance in Alberta.


  • Implement recommendations from the government's review of issues respecting automobile insurance, including compensation for automobile injury claims and premium increases.
  • Work with industry and consumer stakeholders to review the statutory provisions of the Insurance Act respecting insurance contracts.
  • Ensure a supervisory framework is in place to govern Alberta Treasury Branches (ATB Financial) and that it is appropriate and comparable to that for private sector financial institutions.

Performance Measures

CORE BUSINESS THREE: Pensions Policy, Regulations and Administration

Goal 5:  Pensions that deliver on promises

What it means

Pension plan members need to be assured that their benefits are secure. Employers and other plan sponsors need to know that pension regulation is fair and even-handed. Finance assesses private sector pension plan compliance with legislative standards and ensures that action is taken and 'at risk ' plans comply with regulations. Finance will also continue to monitor funding of private sector pension plans.

The Department provides advice to the Minister of Finance on the financial soundness and governance of the public pension plans. Alberta Pensions Administration Corporation (APA) provides administrative services.

Finance works with the federal government and the other provinces to maintain the sustainability of the Canada Pension Plan and explores alternatives to allow Albertans to secure their retirement income. The Department provides support and information for government initiatives on public pension issues. In addition, Finance works with stakeholders and other jurisdictions across Canada to harmonize and streamline private pension legislation and regulatory processes.


  • In consultation with public pension boards and stakeholders, facilitate the improvement of pension governance frameworks.
  • Review funding requirements for public pension plans.
  • Review investment rules and returns for private pension plan assets.

Performance Measures

CORE BUSINESS FOUR: Financial Services

Goal 6:  Quality and competitive financial services accessible to Albertans and local authorities

What it means

Alberta's dynamic economy and entrepreneurial spirit requires readily accessible and technologically advanced financial services and products. Alberta Treasury Branches (ATB Financial) and the Alberta Capital Finance Authority (ACFA) are public sector components of the financial services sector.

ATB Financial is a full-service financial institution, with the largest branch network in the province. It provides services to individuals, small businesses and the agri-industry in 240 communities across Alberta.

ACFA provides financing to a variety of local authorities including municipalities, towns, counties, hospitals, schools and post-secondary institutions throughout the province for capital projects.


  • ATB Financial continues to operate on sound financial institution and business principles with the objective of earning a fair return.
  • ACFA will continue to provide local authorities within the province with flexible funding for capital projects at the lowest possible cost, consistent with the viability of ACFA.

Performance Measures


expense by core business

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