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Annual Report

New Publication: Annual Report 2005-2006

It is through action at the national level that international human rights obligations can be translated into reality.
— Louise Arbour

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New Publication: Strengthening Democracy in Asia, Conference Report

New Networks and Partnerships for Human Rights and the Rule of Law, Annual International Conference, Toronto, June 14–15, 2006

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New Publication: The Human Right to Food in Malawi: Report of an International Fact-Finding Mission

This report and the fact-finding mission on which it is based, summarize some of the obstacles faced by communities in Malawi as they seek to apply sustainable solutions to the problem of persistent hunger in their country.

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New Publication: Documenting Women's Rights Violations by Non-state Actors

This manual provides tools to human rights activists and defenders who investigate violence perpetrated against women by non-state actors.

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Indigenous Women of the Americas - Second edition

Rights & Democracy, in partnership with Enlace - the Continental Network of Indigenous Women - and Quebec Native Women. Information kit on the work of Indigenous Women for the respect of their rights.

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Behind Closed Doors

How Faith-based Arbitration Shuts Out Women's Rights in Canada and Abroad.

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Where Are The Girls?

Susan McKay and Dyan Mazurana Girls in fighting forces in Northern Uganda, Sierra Leone and Mozambique: Their lives during and after war.

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Documenter les violations des droits des femmes par les acteurs non étatiques (Remove)
Cost: $15.00
Number of copies: 1

Women & Peacebuilding (Remove)
Cost: $10.00
Number of copies: 2

Documenting Human Rights Violations by State Agents (Remove)
Cost: $10.00
Number of copies: 2

Méthodologie de recherche sexospécifique (Remove)
Cost: $15.00
Number of copies: 2

Documenter les violations des droits humains par les agents de l'État (Remove)
Cost: $10.00
Number of copies: 2

Les femmes et la consolidation de la paix (Remove)
Cost: $10.00
Number of copies: 2

A Methodology for Gender-Sensitive Research (Remove)
Cost: $15.00
Number of copies: 2

Comment accéder au Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda (TPIR) (Remove)
Cost: $15.00
Number of copies: 2

Accessing the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) (Remove)
Cost: $15.00
Number of copies: 2

Where Are The Girls? (Remove)
Cost: $15.00
Number of copies: 2

Où sont les filles? (Remove)
Cost: $15.00
Number of copies: 2

Assurer les droits des femmes à la terre, à la propriété et au logement : stratégies du Sud (Remove)
Cost: $10.00
Number of copies: 2

Securing Women's Rights to Land, Property and Housing: Country Strategies (Remove)
Cost: $10.00
Number of copies: 2

Documenting Women's Rights Violations by Non-state Actors (Remove)
Cost: $15.00
Number of copies: 1

Campagne contre l'impunité : portrait et plan d'action (Remove)
Cost: $15.00
Number of copies: 2

Donner une conscience au commerce : Stratégies d'intégration des droits humains aux affaires courantes des entreprises (Remove)
Cost: $10.00
Number of copies: 2

Investigating Women's Rights Violations in Armed Conflicts (Remove)
Cost: $15.00
Number of copies: 2

Campaign Against Impunity: Portrait and Plan of Action (Remove)
Cost: $15.00
Number of copies: 2

Enquêter sur les violations des droits des femmes dans les conflits armés (Remove)
Cost: $15.00
Number of copies: 2

Putting Conscience into Commerce: Strategies for Making Human Rights Business as Usual (Remove)
Cost: $10.00
Number of copies: 2

Total: $490.00

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