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Employment Series for Persons with Disabilities (Complete Set)
Set of three books
Intended Audience: Career & HR Practitioners, Counsellors & Teachers, Employers / Managers / Supervisors, Persons with Disabilities
Catalogue number: #438178

This series of three books provides practical tips and ideas about the issues that persons with disabilities encounter when connecting with the workplace. They can be ordered as a set or individually. To access these books in French contact the Canadian Career Development Foundation, by phone 1-877-729-6164 toll-free or Internet at To access these books in alternative formats, contact the Alberta Career Information Hotline toll-free at 1-800-661-3753 or (780) 422-4266 in Edmonton.

Price Per Item
 Quantity   In Alberta   Elsewhere 
1-9 0.00 19.00
10+ 0.00 15.00

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Free of charge for Alberta and NWT residents.

Related Products:

Employment Series for Persons with Disabilities: Tips for Employers
Format: Book, 2000, 48 pages
Intended Audience: Employers / Managers / Supervisors
Catalogue number: #437162
    Download Publication (PDF) File Size: 350 KB
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Employment Series for Persons with Disabilities: Tips for Job Seekers
Format: Book, 2000, 48 pages
Intended Audience: Persons with Disabilities
Catalogue number: #437154
    Download Publication (PDF) File Size: 328 KB
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Employment Series for Persons with Disabilities: Tips for Service Providers
Format: Book, 2000, 64 pages
Intended Audience: Career & HR Practitioners, Counsellors & Teachers
Catalogue number: #437188
    Download Publication (PDF) File Size: 598 KB
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