Alberta Seniors and Community Supports

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Existing Programs and Services

Existing Programs and Services

There are many agencies and programs that provide support services to help Albertans live independently. The following links may be useful:

Housing Registries

Alberta Seniors and Community Supports provides grants to housing registries which enables them to find appropriate housing for households with housing problems and to document information on household problems. There are nine housing registries funded by Alberta Seniors and Community Supports through Family and Special Purpose Housing and Seniors Housing at this time. The following six registries are for families and people requiring special purpose housing:

  • Handicapped Housing Registry operated by the Accessible Housing Society (Calgary);
  • Handicapped Housing Registry operated by the Handicapped Housing Society of Alberta (Edmonton);
  • Operation Friendship for hard-to-house persons (Edmonton);
  • Boyle Street Community Services Co-op for hard-to-house persons (Edmonton);
  • Urban Native Housing Registry operated by the Native Seniors Centre (Edmonton);
  • Handicapped Housing Registry operated by the Handicapped Housing Society of Alberta (Red Deer).

Registries organize and maintain a housing registry to provide placement services; provide counseling and other support services that help to match applications to appropriate and available accommodation; consult with other non-profit groups and the private sector who may have or plan to make accommodation available; collect data on registry clientele to enable Alberta Seniors and Community Supports to know more about the housing requirements and related issues affecting the clientele; encourage landlords and private sector developers to take more responsibility for providing housing needs to meet the needs of the target groups.

Each year, groups operating the registries apply for funding based on their operating needs. A contract is then drawn up between the parties and payment is made accordingly. No new funding is available for this Program.


Alberta Seniors and Community Supports
Housing Services Division
Grants Administration
4th Floor, Standard Life Centre
10405 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5J 4R7
Telephone: (780) 427-6897

To be connected toll free in Alberta, dial 310-0000.

Special Purpose Housing Program

This program provides mortgage subsidy financing to enable non-profit organizations to develop and manage emergency or transitional residential facilities providing care to people with physical, mental or behavioural conditions. Clients may include the physically or mentally handicapped, victims of family violence, wards of the provincial government, ex-convicts, the hard to house, or any other group having special housing needs. Applicants are given priority based on need, as determined by income, assets, current housing condition, and special requirements.

No new funding is available for this program. Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation provided a mortgage to the project owners through their Direct Lending Program. Alberta Seniors and Community Supports and Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation share the cost of subsidizing the interest rate on the mortgage down to two percent. The non-profit organization is then responsible for making mortgage payments and for paying operational costs. Rental rates are established by the management agency.

Contact the Housing Services Division for phone numbers and contacts of non-profit organizations that manage Special Purpose Housing projects in your area.


Alberta Seniors and Community Supports
Housing Services Division
4th Floor, Standard Life Centre
10405 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5J 4R7
Telephone: (780) 427-3919
Fax: (780) 427-0418

To be connected toll free in Alberta, dial 310-0000.

Residential Access Modification Program (RAMP)

RAMP was formerly called the Home Adaptation Program (HAP). Applicants who have received HAP may not be eligible for RAMP.

A RAMP grant for up to $5,000 is available to modify homes for eligible wheelchair users. The applicant must be a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada and the application must be for the applicant's principle residence in Alberta. The total gross adjusted household income for the prior year must not exceed $34,900. Deductions for a spouse ($4,000) and each dependent child ($300) are allowed.

Grants are for permanent wheelchair modifications that facilitate access into or movement within a home by the wheelchair user. Only one (1) wheelchair user per household may apply for assistance. If the principal residence is a rental unit, the landlord is required to approve the modification by completing the Landlord Tenant Agreement form. Applicants are encouraged to apply for the grant prior to the start of the project.

If the grant is approved, the applicant is required to complete the work and provide the original paid invoices to the Department within 104 calendar days after the date on the grant approval letter.

Eligible wheelchair modifications:

  1. Significantly contribute to the safety and security of the wheelchair user;
  2. Facilitate access by the wheelchair user to the principal residence;
  3. Facilitate movement by the wheelchair user within the principal residence; and,
  4. Improve the liveability of the principal residence that would otherwise be restrictive to the wheelchair user.

To apply to RAMP, complete the following application package, instructions, and possible pertinent additional documents that may apply to your situation. If you do not have Adobe Reader to open the portable document files, you may download it at no charge.

Acrobat Reader Adobe® Acrobat® PDF files can be viewed with Adobe® Acrobat® Reader software - a free download from Adobe Systems Incorporated.


Or you may contact RAMP and Program staff will mail, fax, or email the application package and applicable documents to you.

Contact Information

Mail to:
Alberta Seniors and Community Supports
Residential Access Modification Program
P.O. Box 927
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 2L8

Or deliver to:
Alberta Seniors and Community Supports
Residential Access Modification Program
4th Floor, Standard Life Centre
10405 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4R7

Or fax to: 780-427-0418

Or email to:

Residential Access Modification Program Contact:

Edmonton direct line: 427-5760
or to call toll free: 310-0000 then dial 780-427-5760

Please submit any comments about RAMP to

The personal information collected on the Residential Access Modification Program Application is protected under the Freedom of Information and Privacy Act. The personal information collected on the application form is collected for determining eligibility for the Residential Access Modification Program. The information will not be disclosed except as authorized by the  Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

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