College of Physicians & Surgeons
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medical directory

Find a Physician using the CPSA Medical Directory

The College's medical directory enables users to search for physicians' addresses, phone numbers, specialties, languages and more.


Physician Information: Updated Daily


On-Line Directory



Complete only the fields needed to specify who you are looking for, or what information you require. Hit the search button and get the results. (more help)

Printed Copy


Purchase a hard copy of the Directory


The 2006 Directory is now available.

Pre-payment by cheque, VISA or MasterCard is required prior to shipping any directories.



Is Your Contact Information and Practice Status Up-to-date?

Physicians are responsible for keeping their personal record up-to-date. Please notify the College of changes by downloading our notification of change form. Complete the form, sign it, and send it to the College for processing.



FAQs About Using the Directory

Having problems with the on-line directory? Check out answers to frequently asked questions about the on-line medical directory. (click here)



Directory Disclaimer

Physicians are responsible for informing the College when there is a change to their practice information.  Changes are immediately recorded in the College's database, and this information is transferred to the web site daily or as needed. See our Medical Directory disclaimer.