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Alberta Immigration Promotion

The Economic Immigration Branch of Alberta Economic Development [AED] works with Alberta business and industry to help match foreign skilled workers with specific job opportunities in Alberta.

Supporting Alberta Employers

AED encourages Alberta employers to place their specific job opportunities on the department's website. These job opportunities are then promoted at immigration promotion events.

Practical information regarding the recruitment and application process for hiring skilled foreign workers, is available via:

For additional information, see:

Supporting Foreign Workers

Staff from Alberta Economic Development coordinate and attend immigration events in order to encourage potential foreign workers to contact the Alberta employers participating.

Potential workers are instructed to contact employers directly for further information or to apply for the job opportunities posted to the website:

For additional information, see:

Government of Alberta:

Government of Canada:

About Alberta

For general information about Alberta, visit:

Additional Resources

The following Government of Alberta Departments, regional alliances, and other partners participate in Euromission:

Posted: December 2005 Updated: November 2006
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