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Money 101: Budgeting basics for further education
Book, Updated 2005, 56 pages
Intended Audience: Parents, Youth
Catalogue number: #563537

How are you going to pay for studies at a Canadian college or university? Enrol first in Money 101, a short course about the hard-rock realities of financing your education. Money 101 offers straight talk about why you should invest in further education, how to set personal goals and how to figure out what your education will cost.  The book offers suggestions on ways to pay for it, budgeting, banking and avoiding the pitfalls of plastic, and stretching your $$$. Students share their experiences with handling money.

Price Per Item
 Quantity   In Alberta   Elsewhere 
1-9 0.00 6.50
10+ 0.00 5.25

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Free of charge for Alberta and NWT residents


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