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Work Safe Alberta
OHS Code 2006
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New & Young Workers

If you’re a teen who likes to buy the latest clothes, CDs and video games, you’ve probably noticed that the $10-a-week allowance from your parents doesn’t go as far as it once did. Maybe you’ve thought of getting an after-school or weekend job to earn some extra money, or maybe you have a job already. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place! In Alberta, there are lots of opportunities available for younger workers – everything from working in a restaurant to having your own paper route. Or, maybe the teenage years have passed you by and you’ve decided to take advantage of the hot job market to re-enter the workplace or change jobs...

But before you go any further, it’s important to understand your rights and responsibilities – and those of your employer – when it comes to workplace health and safety. Because your health and safety are important no matter what age you are.

Did You Know That...

What is Workplace Health and Safety?

Workplace health and safety refers to the dangers and potential hazards that could affect your health or safety while you’re working. If you feel your job puts you at risk of injury or illness, be sure to talk to your employer and your parents immediately. You may also want to consider reporting any unsafe conditions to the provincial government’s Workplace Health and Safety department. Any information you provide will be kept confidential.

Tips for Parents, Employers and Supervisors
Tips for Parents, Employers and Supervisors
Tips for parents, employers and supervisors of young workers.

Videos for Young Workers
Videos for Young Workers
Videos for young workers.

Work Safe Alberta Joint Education Project
Work Safe Alberta Joint Education Project
A joint Workplace Health and Safety Education initiative aimed at supporting the delivery of workplace health and safety awareness and knowledge in the school curriculum.

2000 to 2004 lost-time claim statistics for young workers.

Ten Questions to Ask Your Employer
Ten Questions to Ask Your Employer
Ten questions about workplace health and safety to ask your employer.

Top Ten Job Tips for Teens
Top Ten Job Tips for Teens
Top ten workplace health and safety job tips for teens.

Posters for young workers that may be used, reproduced, stored or transmitted for non-commercial purposes.

X-Treme Safety
X-Treme Safety
Find out the hazards at your workplace and learn how to stay safe.

Created: 2005-08-05
Modified: 2006-11-17
Reviewed: 2006-06-30