News Release

January 11, 2005


Health care evolution gains speed in Alberta

New plan will move beyond studies and debate to implement real and meaningful change

"We are moving ahead with a package of solid, good ideas that will transform Alberta's health care system one step at a time, to give Albertans the best, most responsive, sustainable health care system in Canada." - Ralph Klein

Calgary... Alberta will revamp public health care by charting a "Third Way" that follows neither the American system nor the purely Canadian version of health care but that respects the Canada Health Act, said Premier Ralph Klein.

Klein said Alberta's Third Way will include drawing on the experiences and best ideas from other health care systems, both elsewhere in Canada and around the world.

"The Third Way is about being open to new ideas to meet the needs of patients within the context of the Canada Health Act. It has to get us beyond the endless, pointless debates about private versus public health care and recognize that privately delivered health care is just one more option for delivering health care services," said Klein.

"Albertans can be confident we will take any questions about whether our innovations are within the Canada Health Act to the new federal-provincial dispute panel for resolution."

In developing the Third Way, government will act immediately to implement the remaining recommendations of the Premier's Advisory Council on Health (the "Mazankowski Report"). First steps will include the following:

Klein also reiterated his commitment to hold an international health symposium this spring. The Alberta government will invite representatives from countries whose health care systems outperform Canada's.

In addition, Klein said government will make significant new investments in medical research and mental health services. The Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research will receive an additional endowment of $500 million over three years, beginning in the 2005/2006 budget.

"The Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research has already put Alberta on the map in medical research, and a provincial mental health plan is now a reality. It is time to take both of these to the next level."

Klein added that any new initiatives will come with an emphasis on fiscal responsibility.

"Our innovations are about ensuring Alberta's health care system will be sustainable and available to Albertans in the future, at a price taxpayers can afford. Any innovations we make will have fiscal responsibility as their cornerstone. If we have to spend more to make the system sustainable, we will."

Klein reaffirmed the province's commitment to public health care, and to keeping Albertans informed without going through the repetitive procedure of public consultation.

"In Alberta, a person's ability to pay will never determine their ability to access health care. We're prepared to try any solutions that work. And we'll listen to Albertans every step of the way. But don't expect another one of the traditional stop and start consultations. We know what needs to be done. It is time to get on with it."

Klein outlined the new health care plan in a speech to the Canadian Club today in Calgary. The speech was the first in a series that will highlight the Alberta government's 2005 agenda. Klein's next stop is Toronto, where he will speak about Alberta's role in Confederation on January 12, 2005.

REVISED: This news release was amened on January 28, 2005. Backgrounder "Report from the Premier's Advisory Council on Health (Mazankowski Report)", last bullet "Six initiatives requiring further attention", deleted reference to creation of a Health Professions Act Implementation Task Force. The task force's report was completed in May 2002.

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Jim Law
Office of the Premier
(403) 510-7182

Mark Kastner
Director of Communications
Alberta Health & Wellness
(780) 427-5344
cell: (403) 974-4658

Dial 310-0000 for toll-free access outside Edmonton.

Access is available on-line at


January 11, 2005

Alberta's Health Care System - The Third Way

Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research

The Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) was established 25 years ago, through a $300 million endowment from the Alberta government. AHFMR supports biomedical and health research at Alberta universities, affiliated institutions, and other medical and technology-related institutions.

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Kathleen Thurber
Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research
(780) 423-5727

Lynn Hutchings-Mah
Alberta Innovation and Science
(780) 415-6186

Dial 310-0000 for toll-free access outside Edmonton.
Access is available on-line at


January 11, 2005

Alberta's Health Care System - The Third Way

Dispute Resolution Mechanism for the Canada Health Act

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Mark Kastner
Director of Communications
Alberta Health and Wellness
(780) 427-5344

Dial 310-0000 for toll-free access outside Edmonton.

Access is available on-line at .


January 11, 2005

Alberta's Health Care System - The Third Way

Report from the Premier's Advisory Council on Health (Mazankowski Report)

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Media enquiries may be directed to:

Mark Kastner
Director of Communications
Alberta Health and Wellness
(780) 427-5344

Dial 310-0000 for toll-free access outside Edmonton.

Access is available on-line at

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