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Classroom Agriculture Program Volunteer Manual

 Our theme for CAP 2006 is PARTNERS, with a sub theme of Growing More Than Food, Growing Alberta. We are providing this Presentation Manual to be used as a springboard full of ideas and inspiration for your presentation.

Classroom Agriculture Program Mission Statement:

To Promote Agriculture By Educating And Informing Alberta Students

Goals for Volunteers:

  • to adapt the following information to their own operation and experiences, as well as agriculture in general, remembering that personalizing it is what makes the program unique and exciting;
    • to use visual aids and hands-on materials whenever possible;
    • to emphasize the economic spin-off from the agri-food industry following the Growing More Than Food, Growing Alberta philosophy;
    • to emphasize that every day is Earth Day for Alberta farmers and ranchers as farmers are the original environmentalists;
    • to inspire students to discover more about agriculture following your presentation.
The 2006 CAP Presentation Manual

Part 1 - 68K downloadable PDF
  • Introduction
  • Presentation Suggestions
  • “Partner” Suggestions
  • Visual Aid Suggestions
  • Food Recipes
  • Discipline Suggestions
  • Games
  • Samples and By-Products
Part 2 - 71K downloadable PDF
  • Curriculum Fit
  • Current Food and Agriculture Issues
  • Sample Volunteer Presentations
Part 3 - 87K downloadable PDF
  • Quick Facts About Alberta's Agriculture:
  • Barley
  • Beef Cattle
  • Canola
  • Chicken
  • Dairy
  • Eastern Irrigation District
  • Eggs
  • Potato Growers of Alberta 27
  • Pulses (Peas, Lentils, Drybeans, Fababeans, and Chickpeas)
  • Sugar Beet
  • Alberta Veterinary Medical Association
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Brent Andressen.
This information published to the web on November 21, 2005.
Last Reviewed/Revised on July 13, 2006.

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