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Grade 7 Science Soil Websites

 A list of quotations highlighting the importance of soil.
The Canadian Soil Information System website with information about soils across Canada.

A glossary of soil terminology.

This page provides information about a soil museum at the University of Alberta.

A compendium of on-line soil survey information to assist research on the topic of soil.

This paleobiology site links to advanced information about soils and plants of the past.

Information about salinization of soils with picture exemplars.

A discussion of issues relating to soil sustainability on the prairies.

Prairie Farm Rehabilitation Administration. Information available in English or French.

A National Geographic site with information about terrestrial ecosystems around the world.

Alberta soil information centre soil maps reports. For Students: under 'Maps' check 'Soil Groups'!

Alberta soil group map. Click on the regions of the map for landscape pictures and soil horizon photographs.

Soils of Alberta tutorial from the University of Alberta.
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Brent Andressen.
This document is maintained by Charles Young.
This information published to the web on June 25, 2002.
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 14, 2003.

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