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Grade 8 Science Lesson Plans: Topic E Freshwater and Saltwater Systems

 Issues of water quality and water availability promise to be important ones for Albertans in the coming years. The links below will assist grade eight students in their study of freshwater and saltwater systems.

This WaterQuest will help you and your students research Alberta's watersheds online, and it provides practical field tests to help you take a closer look at a local watershed.

Water testing equipment is available at educational rates from Osprey Scientific Inc. for those teachers who wish to conduct a more sophisticated water analysis.


Watersheds of Alberta

An Interactive Map of Alberta's River Basins

Water for Life: Government of Alberta

Basic Water Monitoring

North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance

Background on the North Saskatchewan River

A Primer on Water Quality

Assessing Alberta's Water Quality

Bow River Basin Council

Eastern Irrigation District

Beef Production and Water Borne Parasites


Health Canada Water Links

Canadian Water Quality Association

Canada and Freshwater-Experience and Practices

Water Use and Quality on the Prairies

Council of Canadians Water Campaign

Health Canada Information About Bottled Water


United Nations Year of Fresh Water

United Nations Water Assessment Program

UNESCO: Discussion of Issues Surrounding Water

Water Use in the United States

Ducks Unlimited Canada

WHO Analysis of Drinking Water Quality


The Watershed Game

EPCOR: Water Treatment Virtual Tour

Ducks Unlimited "Wake Up To Wetlands"

Nature As Infrastructure

TransAlta Water Use Information

Bottled Water: An Assessment of Value
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Brent Andressen.
This document is maintained by Charles Young.
This information published to the web on July 22, 2003.
Last Reviewed/Revised on October 8, 2003.

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