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Home Study Order Form

 To order by phone call (780) 427-4309 or FAX (780) 422-7755. To be connected toll free in Alberta, call 310-0000.

Print this order form, complete it and mail to:
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Home Study
Room 200, J. G. O'Donoghue Building
7000-113 St., EDMONTON, Alberta, T6H 5T6

Name:_____________________________________________ Phone:__________________ Fax: ________________

Company Name:____________________________________ Email:_____________________________________


Prov./State:_____________________Postal/Zip Code:_____________________

Make cheque or money order payable to the Minister of Finance, or

Payment Submitted by: _____ VISA, _____ Mastercard,

Mastercard/Visa No:____________________________Expiry Date:________________

Cardholder's Name:_______________________________ Phone:__________________

May we send you information on new resources? ______YES ______NO

Please Send the Following Course(s):
Animal Health for Cattle_______$45_______
Cattle Nutrition_______$45_______
CowBytes Software (Windows)_______$200_______
CowProfit$ Software (Windows)_______$150_______
FeederProfit$ Software (Windows) -- NEW_______$150_______
CowBytes Package Option 1
Includes CowBytes plus one of the following.
Please check one:
FeederProfit$ (NEW)____
CowProfit$ ____
CowBytes Package Option 2
includes CowBytes, FeederProfit$ and CowProfit$
Grazing Management of Northern Rangelands
(includes a copy of Northern Range Plants)
Northern Range Plants________$25_______
Weed Management_______$60_______
Course Total:_______
Handling Charge outside Alberta:*_______
6% GST (on total of above): * *_______

Fee in full must accompany registration

*Shipping and Handling Fees
Out-of-province orders should add $2.00;
U.S. add $5.00 (Cdn)
and other countries add $20.00 (Cdn) per copy.
** Orders from outside Canada do not pay GST

GST #124072513RT

Prices are subject to change.
Site licenses and discounts for bulk orders are also available.

  For more information about the content of this document, contact Lois Hameister.
This document is maintained by Anna Creighton.
This information published to the web on June 29, 2006.

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Government of Alberta