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Crop Production Home Study Courses

  | Livestock production courses Northern Range Plants (2000) $25

This plant identification book, designed for anyone interested in the Boreal Mixed wood plants of northern Alberta, contains line-drawings, full-color photos, and identification tips for over 140 native trees, shrubs, forbs and grasses and 15 tame forage species. Note on cattle forage value and general habitat are also included for each plant. Northern cattle producers will find the descriptions of common community types, range condition scorecards and recommended grazing capacities helpful when planning their grazing management for their forested, riparian or tame pastures.

Northern Range Plants is also included with Grazing Management of Northern Rangelands.

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Weed Management (2002) $60

Controlling weeds on your cropland can save you time and money. Learn to identify weeds and the factors that make them so troublesome, including herbicide resistance. You will look at the role of herbicide-resistant crops in today's farming practices. You will be able to determine when physical, cultural and biological methods for controlling weeds are appropriate. At the end of the course, you will be able to develop a plan for managing weeds on your farm.

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  For more information about the content of this document, contact Lois Hameister.
This document is maintained by Anna Creighton.
This information published to the web on December 23, 2004.

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