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Livestock Production Home Study Courses

 Crop production courses FeederProfit$ Computer Software $150

FeederProfit$ software is a decision-making tool for cattle producers. It provides a flexible and user-friendly way of comparing the economics of three feeding alternatives. For example, an alternative could be defined as a backgrounding program followed by a grassing program and then a finishing program. FeederProfit$ allows for the comparison of up to three alternatives which may contain up to five feeding programs. The feeding programs inlcude creep feeding, preconditioning, backgrounding, grassing and finishing.

To use FeederProfit$ you need:
Pentium with Intel, Celeron, AMD Processor
Windows 95/98, NT, 2000 ME, XP

FeederProfit$ demo software | Cowbytes | CowProfit$ | Order information | For more information on FeederProfit$

Cattle Nutrition (Revised 2001) $45

Good nutrition maintains and increases herd health and productivity. You will learn to identify cattle nutrition problems and keep feeding costs down. Topics include: nutrition and physiology; energy and protein; major minerals; trace minerals and vitamins; what's in a feed; beef ration formulation; dairy ration formulation; applied cattle nutrition; and putting it all together. Use this course in conjunction with the CowBytes Computer Software.

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CowBytes Computer Software (2003) Windows - $200

CowBytes is an easy-to-use computer software program that gives you a quick method for balancing or checking beef cattle rations. You are able to balance for all the major nutrients and most of the micro-nutrients. The program calculates the nutrient values of the rations based on the amount of each feed selected. CowBytes incorporates the 1996 NRC beef formulas.

It is also possible to evaluate feedstuffs and animal productivity and make decisions that could result in lower feed costs.

To use CowBytes Windows you need:
  • Pentium with Intel, Celeron, AMD Processor
  • Windows 95/98, NT, 2000 ME, XP

CowBytes demo software | Order information | For more information

Animal Health for Cattle (3rd Edition, 1998) $45

This revised course provides you with practical guidelines on how to recognize animal disease and take appropriate first aid and emergency care measures before you call a veterinarian. The five core chapters cover: causes of and resistance to disease; signs and diagnosis of disease; disease treatment; herd health management and accidental poisoning. There are also four chapters on diseases of cattle.

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Grazing Management of Northern Rangelands (1999) $65

Learn to develop a range management plan that increases your cattle production and profits on your northern, forested rangeland. In this course, you will learn how to: identify forested rangeland community types and plants; complete a range inventory; set stocking rates that are sustainable; use livestock distribution tools; manage riparian areas; and more! Also includes Northern Range Plants - a plant identification booklet - and a Planning Book to develop a management plan and Journal that allows ongoing monitoring of your rangeland.

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CowProfit$ Computer Software (2000) (Windows) $150

CowProfit$ helps beef cow-calf operators calculate their cost per unit of production. The program is designed to calculate the cost per pound of calf produced as well as per cow wintered. You can use these indicators to make management decisions by determining profitability levels, defining trends and comparing individual data against group averages. The program is designed to analyze the economic and financial performance of a beef cow-calf operation starting with "whole-farm" numbers from your accounting system, record book or tax return. The program also does some enterprise analysis on those enterprises that directly impact the cow-calf enterprise, such as forage or pasture.

To use CowProfit$ Windows you need:
  • Pentium with Intel, Celeron, AMD Processor
  • Windows 95/98, NT, 2000 ME, XP

CowProfit$ Demo Software | Order Information | For More Information
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Lois Hameister.
This document is maintained by Anna Creighton.
This information published to the web on October 16, 2006.

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