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  FeederProfit$ Demo | Order form | FeederProfit$ software | FeederProfit$ requirements | For more information

FeederProfit$ Software

FeederProfit$ software is a decision-making tool for cattle producers. It provides a flexible and user-friendly way of comparing the economics of three feeding alternatives. For example, an “alternative” could be defined as a backgrounding program followed by a grassing program and then a finishing program. FeederProfit$ allows for the comparison of up to three alternatives which may contain up to five feeding programs.

The feeding programs are:

  • Creep feeding
  • Preconditioning
  • Back grounding
  • Grassing
  • Finishing
What sets this software program apart from other similar programs is the Helpfiles and manual. You are told the why as well as the how. You learn the rationale behind each alternative. For example, the Helpfiles and the manual describe the advantages and disadvantages of creep feeding, types of creep feeding, and when to and when not to creep feed.

FeederProfit$ Requirements
  • Pentium with Intel, Celeron or AMD Processor
  • Windows 95/98, NT, 2000, ME, XP
For More Information

Home Study Program (780) 427-4309
FAX (780) 422-7755
To call toll free in Alberta, dial 310-0000

To download a copy of the FeederProfit$ DEMO software,
FeederProfit$ Demo

How to Order

To order, fill out the registration form and mail to the address on the form or FAX.
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Lois Hameister.
This document is maintained by Anna Creighton.
This information published to the web on November 1, 2006.

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