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Privacy and Security Information


The Alberta Queen’s Printer (Q.P.) maintains this web site to help the public access the laws of Alberta. We are committed to ensuring your privacy while you visit the Q.P. web site. This privacy statement covers the Q.P. web site. (

Any personal information you provide to Q.P. is protected under Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP).

This privacy statement covers the following areas:
Links to Other Sites
The Q.P. web site connects you to other web sites including the Government of Alberta and other organizations.

Each web site may have a different privacy statement depending on the nature of its site. You should review the privacy statement each time you visit or submit personal information on a web site.

Information Submitted Online
Comments and Questions Only
When you submit a question or comment, you may be asked for your name, e-mail address, or other information. This information is only used to process and respond to your question or comment, and it is collected in compliance with section 33 (c) of the Alberta FOIP Act. This information is not disclosed except to authorized personnel who need it to answer your question.

The information you submit is secure once it reaches the government server. In transit between your computer and the server, however, it may not be secure. If you would prefer to raise a comment or question in person, please call Queen’s Printer at 780-427-4952 (to be connected toll free within Alberta, dial 310-0000 then 780-427-4952).

Online Transactions
When you ask to purchase a product from Queen's Printer, you will have to submit personally identifying information, such as your name, the name of your company or organization (where applicable) your shipping and billing address(es), your phone and fax numbers, your e-mail address, the item(s) you have purchased, your credit card preference, and your credit card number and expiry date.

We require this information so that we can deliver the product you request and collect payment from you for the product.

When you submit this information, it is stored in a secure server.

The information collected is used to process and deliver your order and collect payment, and it is collected in compliance with section 33 (c) of the Alberta FOIP Act.

This information is not disclosed to any third party except to authorized employees of Queen’s Printer who need it to process your order and bill or as required by law.

The contact information you provide may also be used to contact you in the future about your order or about Q.P. products and services.

If you do not want Q.P. to contact you in the future about related or updates to products and services, please e-mail

Alternate purchasing options
Although our on-line Catalogue is secure, some versions of browsers as well as some firewalls will not permit on-line transactions. This feature protects you from placing orders through other servers that are not secure. If you are unable to access our on-line catalogue for whatever reason, we encourage you to place your order in person, or by fax, mail, or telephone.

Automatic Collection of Information
The server hosting Q.P.’s web site automatically collects a limited amount of standard information essential to the operation and evaluation of the web site. This information includes:
• the page from which you arrived
• the date and time of your page request
• the IP address your computer is using to receive information
• the type and version of your browser, and
• the name and size of the file you request.

This data helps us assess our information services and is used only for this purpose. It is collected in compliance with section 33 (c) of the Alberta FOIP Act.

This information is not used to identify individuals who come to the Q.P. web site. None of this information is disclosed to other public bodies or individuals.

Internet Connection Security
All personal information that you provide during your on-line transaction (including your credit card information) is protected by Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption. When your information is encrypted, it is scrambled and rendered unreadable to anyone else.

Although our on-line Catalogue is secure, some versions of browsers as well as some firewalls will not permit on-line transactions. This feature protects you from placing orders through other servers that are not secure. If you are unable to access our on-line catalogue for whatever reason, we encourage you to place your order in person, or by fax, mail, or telephone.

Cookies are small text files that web pages place in your computer to assist you while you are on a web site. The shopping cart section of this web site uses cookies to keep track of the items you wish to purchase. These cookies do not record personal information, and they are deleted when you complete your transaction.

While you can browse the Queen’s Printer site without cookies, you will require cookies to order and pay for a product. To change your browser’s cookie settings, in your browser’s menu, select: Tools > Internet Options > Privacy and adjust the cookie settings.

Security Monitoring
The government computer system uses software to monitor unauthorized attempts to upload or change information, or disrupt the service we provide. No attempt is made to identify users or their usage patterns except during law enforcement investigations.

Contact Information
For more information about any of the policies described above, please contact:

Alberta Queen’s Printer
5th floor Park Plaza 10611 - 98 Avenue
Edmonton, AB T5K 2P7
Phone: 780 427-4952
Fax: 780 452-0668

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Government of Alberta