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Children and the flu

It can be scary for parents when a child gets the flu. Phone Health Link Alberta for help and information.

Flu symptoms

Children between 6 and 18 years old often have the same flu symptoms as adults.

Babies and children under 6 can have different symptoms. For example:

  • A baby might cry a lot and have a fever.
  • A young child might feel nauseous (feel like he will vomit). He might vomit and have diarrhea.


What to do for a fever

  • First, take your child’s temperature. If your child has a fever, use acetaminophen. For example: Tylenol® for babies (infants) and children.
  • Put lightweight clothing on your child. Keep the child’s room at about 20ºC.
  • Give water or juice to your child often. Breastfeed babies often.


Never give acetylsalicylic acid (ASA or Aspirin®) to children or teenagers who might have the flu or who have a fever.


When to see a doctor

Some children should see a doctor when they have the flu. For example:

  • a baby less than 3 months old
  • a child with heart problems

Go to an emergency centre if your child has a serious symptom. For example:

  • Your child has trouble breathing (not a stuffy nose).
  • You can’t wake up your child.



What is influenza (the flu)?
How does the flu spread?
Symptoms for adults
The flu can be serious
How to protect yourself and others from the flu
What to do when adults get the flu
Over-the-counter medicine can help
When to go to the doctor
Children and the flu
What is an influenza (flu) pandemic?
What to do if there is a pandemic
Bird flu in the news
The flu is different from a cold and the stomach flu
Health Link Alberta


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