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Explaining the AOPA Extension Services

  From the Oct 9, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 897K  
 New extension services will be available to a wide variety of clients including producers, municipalities, consultants, neighbouring landowners and any other interested parties affected by the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA). Extension specialists can be contacted through Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development’s Ag-info centre at 310-FARM (3276) or through the Natural Resource Conservation Board (NRCB).

The new services will help increase awareness and understanding of AOPA. Anyone involved in the application process will have access to resources to help explain the process and assist in the completion of the application. Tools and information on options will also be available regarding the regulatory requirements.

The extension services will include:

  • Awareness and general information on the application process to all clients
  • Information and tools to assist with completing the application process
  • Information and options to help meet the AOPA requirements
  • Referrals in areas of production, financial planning, community relations, etc.
However, extension staff will not fill out application forms or provide engineering services to clients. They will also not be mediating between agencies or groups or acting as advocates for groups or individuals. Clients may go to outside consultants for site-specific assessments, engineering services and mediation when needed.

All permit applications must still be submitted and go through the NRCB administered AOPA application process, and must meet the legislation requirements as before. Accessing information and assistance from extension specialists, does not mean that permit applications will automatically be approved by the NRCB. The services will help to provide information needed to assist clients in making informed decisions.

Sandi Jones
Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
(403) 340-7609

Other Articles From the Oct 9, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Fall Weed Control
Changes to AOPA in effect October 1, 2006
Explaining the AOPA Extension Services - Current Document
Alberta Enjoys a Mexican Summer
Elm-Pruning Ban in Alberta is Over
Alberta's Great Tree Hunt Receives Over 600 Nominations
Fall Yard Care
Mandatory Cattle Age Verification Deadline Suspended
Sunfuel "How-To" Workshop
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Sandi Jones.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on October 4, 2006.

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