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Western Farmers Slow Response to Census Costs Canadians

  From the June 26, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 893K  
 With just over half of all agriculture-census forms returned, Western Canadian farm operators' procrastination comes at a great financial expense. Costs increase substantially for every form that must be followed up on. This money comes directly out of taxpayers pockets.

With the many challenges farm operators faced since the 2001 census, sending in completed forms will provide much-needed proof of just how difficult the past five years have been in the industry. The census is the only source of geographic, small-area, statistical data to provide such important information. Combined with the Census of Population data, a clearer picture of the total impact these challenges have had on rural Canadians will develop, right down to the community level, for use by all levels of government, industry organizations and farmers.

Farm operators' census data is kept confidential - this is enforced by law. Any small-area data releases are provided in a format that protects the anonymity of individual farm operators.

All Canadians are required by law to complete their census forms. For those who refuse to complete census forms, they could eventually be prosecuted, resulting in a fine, a jail term or both.

If farm operators have not returned their forms yet, they should contact the Census Help Line at 1-877-594-2006.

The Help Line operates daily between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. in all time zones. Operators can assist with completion of census forms, answer any related questions, or provide a secure code for farmers who want to complete their forms online.

For additional information on the Census of Agriculture, or to complete forms online, visit

Lisa Gibbins
Regional Communications Manager
Western Region and Northern Territories
(780) 495-7606


Other Articles From the June 26, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

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Green Certificate Celebrates a Program Icon
Western Farmers Slow Response to Census Costs Canadians - Current Document
Board Seeks Additional Members
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Lee Anne Bateman.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on June 21, 2006.

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