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Alberta's Great Tree Hunt is Underway

  From the July 5, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 907K  
 Trees are an important part of Alberta's natural history. The Alberta Heritage Tree Project is asking Albertans to help celebrate their favorite trees in the province.

"The project was designed to raise awareness about the importance of trees, both historically and currently," says Libby Fairweather, executive director, Heritage Tree Foundation of Canada, Turner Valley. "The Heritage Tree Foundation is asking Albertans to nominate trees that they consider special. The criteria for nomination are broad and there is no limit to the numbers of trees that can be nominated."

Criteria that make trees, groves, avenues, shelterbelts or arboretum special:

  • historical or cultural significance
  • age, height, circumference/diameter
  • canopy spread
  • rare or horticultural significance
  • community landmark
  • commemorative tree/grove
  • unusual location
  • survivor of adverse conditions
  • rare or endangered bird habitat
  • part of an environmentally significant area
"What makes this project special and enduring, is capturing the stories behind the trees being nominated," says Fairweather. "Trees provide a living link to the past and they often have stories and a little bit of folklore attached to them and they carry meaning for people. Albertans can nominate trees in their neighbourhood, community or trees they have seen on their travels within the province."

Trees will be selected from those nominated by Regional Selection Committees. These committees will include local individuals from a wide variety of disciplines. Albertans interested in being part of a regional team and help select trees in their community are encouraged to call Fairweather at (403) 933-3099.

"Upon selection, each tree will receive a plaque," says Fairweather. "With landowner's permission, the plaque will be placed on the trunk or directly in front of the tree. This common identifying feature will make it easier for community members and visitors to locate a heritage tree.

"Locations of all heritage trees will be noted in the Heritage Trees of Alberta, which will be published in June 2007. As well as listing all heritage trees, the book will feature botanical, historical and cultural information on specific, selected trees."

All stories and data collected about heritage trees will be featured on the Alberta Heritage Tree Project website in the featured Tree Registry.

Nominations must be received by October 31, 2006.

A nomination form is available on the Heritage Tree Foundation website, or by calling (403) 933-3099.

Contact: Libby Fairweather (403) 933-3099

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  For more information about the content of this document, contact Lee Anne Bateman.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on July 5, 2006.

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