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One-stop On-line Information on Ag Careers

  From the July 12, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 897K  
 The Agriculture and Food Council launched the Soil to Sky portal on June 27, 2006. This single location for on-line ag career and job information, and links to employers is an effort to draw young job seekers toward an agriculture and food career. It is hoped that the information on Soil to Sky will be of interest to students looking for a first job, displaced workers, new immigrants and those just wanting to see what employment opportunities are available. The website was created in response to the worker shortage being experienced by employers in many sectors of Alberta's economy, including agriculture and food. Soil to Sky isn't a job bank that advertises specific employment opportunities. The portal takes existing information and links to resources in an accessible and searchable central location. The Soil to Sky web portal was created from the Council's Human Resources Information Exchange Centre project. It is a partnership of the Innovation in Agribusiness Management Fund (IAMF), Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's Agricultural Policy Framework: A Federal Provincial Territorial Initiative. Soil to Sky can be visited at For more information, contact Brad Salomons, HRIEC Manager, Agriculture and Food Council, at (780) 955-3714 ext. 236 or  

Other Articles From the July 12, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Tips for Travellers Visiting Farms
Selecting New Farm Enterprises
What are Ag Tourism Clusters and What are They Up To?
One-stop On-line Information on Ag Careers - Current Document
Sheep Shearing Course
Bow Island Substation Field Day
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Lee Anne Bateman.
This document is maintained by Ada Serafinchon.
This information published to the web on July 12, 2006.

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