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Biosecurity and Equipment: Cleanliness is Just Good Business

  From the Aug 14, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 895K  
 "It takes less than a minute to change your boots even if you have to lace them up," says Dr. Gerald Hauer, Assistant Chief Provincial Veterinarian with Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Edmonton. "And, it doesn't take much effort to clean equipment between farms or zones on a farm. There is really no excuse for not using good biosecurity, especially when failing to use biosecurity can allow a disease to establish in your livestock."

Experts estimate that millions of dollars are lost each year as a result of deaths and decreased growth and reproductive rates due to the incidental spread of disease or pathogens among livestock. "With good biosecurity, losses can be reduced significantly," says Hauer. "A lot of money is spent on vaccines and antibiotics that fight disease and pathogens. Using good biosecurity to minimize the level of disease within Alberta can dramatically reduce these costs and increase profits."

Good biosecurity is not difficult and does not need to be expensive. "It starts with just thinking about how disease and pathogens spread," says Hauer. "Viruses, bacteria and residue stick to shoes, boots, clothing, equipment and to tires. Washing these items in between visits to different livestock is an easy but important practice."

In particular, Hauer reminds producers that equipment should stay within designated zones or buildings wherever possible. Thorough cleaning is required for equipment, clothing and vehicles that travel between farms, zones on a farm, buildings and/or species.

"One of the worst offenders is the producer who travels to places where other livestock has been without cleaning his vehicle and boots," says Hauer. "If there was anything contagious sticking to them, he could bring a disease home with him. Farming and ranching is business and good biosecurity only makes sense."

For more information, visit Alberta Agriculture's website at

Contact: Dr. Gerald Hauer, DVM (780) 427-3448


Other Articles From the Aug 14, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Biosecurity and Equipment: Cleanliness is Just Good Business - Current Document
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Seeding Fall and Winter Cereals: Consider the Opportunities this Fall
Fair Compensation for Damages to Private Woodlots
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AEFP Workshops in Fairview
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Gerald Hauer.
This document is maintained by Rita Splawinski.
This information published to the web on August 9, 2006.

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