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Dairy - Does a 4-H Body Good

  From the Aug 21, 2006 Issue of Agri-NewsAgri-News Home          Download pdf - 898K  
 4-H dairy members came from all corners of the province to take in three days of showing, quizzing and socializing at the 60th Annual Provincial 4-H Dairy Show, held at the Westerner Park's AgriCentre in Red Deer. Knowledge questions were asked, hides were clipped and coiffed, and at the end of it all, everyone felt great about their achievements and their projects.

The knowledge challenge portion of the Dairy Show is split by age into teams of four. Junior members battled wits in the Junior Dairy Bowl Contest, while intermediate members participated at Beef Jeopardy. Senior 4-H members used their dairy program knowledge to tackle the team problem of biosecurity on dairy farms.

The junior team of Byron Eggink (Lacombe 4-H Dairy), Chandler Hofstra (Rollyview 4-H Dairy), Emile Kerr (Camrose 4-H Dairy) and Lee Morey (Moos' on the Moo-ve) claimed first place. Margriet Appel (Mountain View 4-H Dairy), Laura Iverson (Mountain View) Daniel Ouillette (Usona 4-H Dairy Club) and Michelle Shuurman (Camrose 4-H Dairy Club) took first in the Intermediate Beef Jeopardy. The Dairy Challenge presented to the senior class named Michelle Grundwald (Camrose), Katelyn Kozak (Rolly View), Lee Simanton (Lacombe 4-H Dairy), Djoeke Van Den Pol (Green Acres) and Jeanette Wouters (Mountain View) as the first-place team.

4-H project knowledge is challenged during the judging competition, where delegates give oral reasons for their choices and award marks to various classes of dairy animals. This year's junior winner was Katelyn Crest of Moo's on the Moo-ve, intermediate category winner was Laura Iverson of Mountain View Dairy, and Lee Simanton of Lacombe came out as top senior judge.

During the clipping competition, junior Katelyn Crest (Moo's on the Moo-ve), intermediate Chad Crest (Moo's) and senior Joey Folkerts (Lacombe) were named first in their age division. Chad Crest also took home the Overall Clipper award, with second being given to Joey Folkerts of Lacombe Dairy.

Following the clipping competition, delegates were encouraged to participate in the Print Marketing Competition and design an ad, similar to one that would be found in a publication such as the Holstein Journal, using only the basic supplies that were made available at the show. Lee Morey (Moo's), Cassisa Hamoen (Moo's) and Jeanette Wouters (Mountain View) walked away with the top prize for an ad created for the promoting responsible farm environmental management.

Each age group was given the opportunity to parade their dairy project around the ring during the Showmanship Competition, an open contest for all members. Lee Simanton of Lacombe won this year's Overall Showmanship. Simanton, who is also a 2006 4-H Ambassador, felt great about the day's events. "Everyone in a dairy club spends the year prepping up for this show, and it never disappoints," he says. "It is always a good time for socializing and competing - it's the highlight of the year."

In the nine conformation categories, Chad Crest (Moo's) won Supreme Champion with 'Skycrest Dundee Nemo' and Lee Morey's 'Avonlea Mischief's Magnola' claimed Reserve Champion. Club Herd Champion was awarded to Moo's on the Moo-ve, with Reserve given to Rolly View.

The 4-H Dairy Show ended on a high note, with a closing ceremony that recognized all members' hard work and dedication. A few awards included:

  • Pascle Wouters (Mountain View) first in the Senior Record Book competition
  • Corien Van Den Pol (Green Acres 4-H Dairy Club) nominated to be one of the recipients of the Herdmanship Award
  • Overall Grand Aggregate winners were Katelyn Crest (Moo's on the Moo-ve), Laura Iverson (Mountain View) and Lee Simanton (Lacombe Beef) all receiving first place in the aggregate category
The always-impressive 4-H Dairy Show has existed for its 60 years, and has the highest percentage member participation of any other 4-H livestock competition.

The 4-H Dairy Show was sponsored by the Alberta Holstein Association, Alberta Milk Producers, GAS Alberta Inc., Westerner Exposition Association and various other dairy sponsors.

For further information on the 4-H Dairy Show contact Jason Boorse, 4-H specialist with Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development at (780) 853-8115 or visit the 4-H website at

Sam Haeni (Mountain View 4-H Dairy) preps for clipping competition

(Left to Right): Junior Judge Sandy Simanton, Lee Morey (Moo's on the Moo-ve)
with animal"Avonlea Mischief's Magnolia"--winner of Reserve Supreme, Chad Crest
(Moo's on the Moo-ve) with animal Skycrest Dundee Nemo--winner of Supreme Champion,
Kim Headon (Kitscoty) --2nd year 4-H Ambassador, and Sue Crest-- Dairy Show sponsor
representative from Viewridge Farm

Contact: Jessica Hainstock (780) 427-4462

Other Articles From the Aug 21, 2006 Issue of Agri-News

  Yellowfeed - A Greenfeed Alternative
Farm Tours That Draw Participation
CAIS Help Arrives in Rural Alberta
Alberta Goes Corn Maze Crazy
Dairy - Does a 4-H Body Good - Current Document
When a Door Closes - A 4-H Window Opens
Livestock Transport Training Program
  For more information about the content of this document, contact Jessica Hainstock.
This document is maintained by Rita Splawinski.
This information published to the web on August 16, 2006.
Last Reviewed/Revised on August 17, 2006.

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